Flight Simulator

All posts tagged Flight Simulator


WOD #1: “Flight Simulator” – Double-unders

  • 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5

WOD #2: 3 Rounds

  • 200m Farmer Walk (24kg KB)
  • 20 burpees (to target)


  • #1 – This ended up being 10 minutes of double-under practice. Which I really needed and actually finally started getting back into a rhythm of single-double and I think I even managed a double-double one or twice.
  • #2 – 15 min cut-off… We did this with a partner, so to keep things moving, I opted to move on whenever my partner finished the Rx work. So the last 2 rounds I only did 3x50m farmer walks. And when he finished 200m, I would stop my burpees, which was usually around 15 except for the last round.