Power Snatch

All posts tagged Power Snatch


Talk about chaos. The whole 14.5 announcement ticket/shirt/bus thing has been a mess. But they said that we could get a shirt this afternoon from SJ location (only). So I decided to finally go down there during lunch for my first class at the SJ location…

WOD: 21-15-9

  • Power Snatch (95/65)
  • HSPU

Result: 11:21

I scaled to 75# and using 25# DBs for shoulder press. It was nice to see some old faces while I was there (Jason and Shellie, Kurt, and Coach Karo). I  did pick up a 14.5 shirt, and I also got a free lifting belt as well thanks to a visiting vendor. I could have used the belt for 14.3!



  • 30 Double-unders
  • 15 Power Snatches (75/55)

RESULTS: 2 rounds + 12 double-unders (102 total reps)

Am I happy with that? Not really.

This is the same workout we did for the first ever Crossfit Open workout back in 2011, and compared to my 11.1 score, this kinda sucked. I was almost an entire round less. But I’m not surprised based on how inconsistent my training has been and how bad my eating has been.

As I knew it would be, the double-unders are what got me. What really killed me was the 2nd round of double-unders. My pattern for most of that round was… single, single, double, single, single, failed-double… single, single, double, single, single, failed-double… Doing 6 jumps for every 1 counted rep was a lot of wasted work. I really need to start working on double-unders again, which means I need to get a new jump rope.

But I did finish the workout and it was quite the workout for me… here is my offical athlete profile on the Game’s site: http://games.crossfit.com/athlete/33228


WOD 2014-02-20


WOD A: 5min AMRAP, alternate w/ partner…

  • 3 Power Snatch

… rest 1 minute…

WOD B: 5min AMRAP, alternate w/ partner…

  • 5 HSPU

RESULTS A: 4 round @ 95# (doing 5 reps)

RESULT B: 2 rounds @ attempts

For some reason, me and my partner Robbie, thought it was 5 reps of the snatch just like the HSPU… so we did 5 reps instead of the prescribed 3 reps. Because my hands were a little torn-up from the previous day, I dropped the bar most times. But I ROCKED the last round and fired them off unbroken rather quickly!

The HSPU… not so pretty. I’m not strong enough to do them strict and I’m still working on the kip. However, I think the biggest problem was that my shoulders were done and I just couldn’t keep my balance on the way down. Thus I toppled a lot and eventually tweaked my neck. I gave up after that and just let Robbie finish on his own.

So I did actually make it to the gym on Sunday for the team workout, but didn’t make it back in until yesterday after that. Was pretty happy with the clean (full/squat), as in the past my power clean was always more than my squat clean due to my lack of being able to catch in the squat position. So I’m considering this a PR, since I don’t have any log my previous squat clean max. Woot! PR!

Now the AMRAP was a different story… as expected, the sit-ups did me in again.


1 rep max clean (full/squat)

5 min AMRAP:

  • 10 situps
  • 3 power snatch @ 95#
Immediately after, max burpees in 1 min.


215# clean

5 rounds + 5 situps

15 burpees


Max Rounds in 12 minutes of:

  • 7 Ring Dips
  • 10 Suit Cases
  • 7 Power Snatches @ 95#’s

Recover, then 4 Prowler Pushes


7 rounds… I think. And 1 prowler push. By calves were still a bit tweaked, so I didn’t want to push them and not be able to walk for another week. So only the 1 prowler push and I moved onto foam rolling.

10 minute AMRAP:
• 30 double-unders
• 15 Power snatch 75#

3 rounds + 5 double-unders

A whole round more than I was hoping for!! j/k … For someone who can barely do double-unders, I’m pretty happy. I actually did a few set of several double-unders in a row. They may not have been pretty, bit I got them done and I have the lashes to prove it.

Not sure why I finally ended up deciding to do this, but figured why not. I really need to find some motivation again, hopefully this will help me get excited again and also give me some benchmarks to improve on.


It was the birthday of Austin B  (Jason’s coach) from Crossfit Milpitas, so here is his birthday WOD:

Max Rounds in 32 Minutes of:

  • 3 Power Snatches @ 135#’s/ 95#’s
  • 5 Squat Cleans @ 135#’s/ 95#’s
  • 15 Push Ups
  • 20 Jumping Lunges
  • 35 Double Under’s
  • 50 foot 45# plate carry (plate can not touch your body)


5 round + 43 (thru lunges) @95#

32 min is a long time.

Overall, not bad. My weak points where jumping lunges and double-unders. My legs were pretty sore from Monday, which made the lunges rough. However, with the double-unders… as much as they suck and I continue to lash my self with the rope… I’m finally starting to get them strung together. I think I got upwards of 7 in a row! But 35 still took a while.


Find your 1 Rep Max Height Box Jump

5 Rounds for Time:

  • 10 Power Snatches 95#’s
  • 20 Wall Ball Shot’s


10:46 @ 75#

For the box jumps, not a PR as I got 42″  before. But I took at easy because of my little toes which lost chunks a flesh to my hiking boots on Monday. At the gym was the first time I put shoes on this week, been wearing flip-flops as to give toes time to recover. But it was pretty amazing watching some of the other folks go for the high jumps… and when I say high, I’m talking over 60″!! Check out some of the photos on the CFSC Blog here…

As for the couplet… this was a pretty good workout to come back to after a week off. I opted to drop down to 75# as I tend to over estimate the weight I should use. This worked out pretty good, as I finished in a decent time for a change.

Deadlift 1 Rep Max

Then 15-10-5:

  • Pull Ups
  • Power Snatches @ 95#’s


385# (PR by 10#)
6:02 @ Rx

In spite of my legs still being quite sore from Monday, I was happy to get a PR on the deadlift. Granted it was only 10# and didn’t compare to some of the other 30# PRs which happened in the class, it was still a PR and its more than double my body weight.

The met-con was short, but rough… mainly the 2nd round (10 reps). I actually managed to do the first 15 pullups unbroken which was great for me. However it took me 3 set to do the 10 reps and it sucked cause I was using a high bar which I had to jump up to each time. Last round went pretty quick.


Lift Heavy Objects from the floor to a standing position….aka…Deadlift in sets of 3 for 5-7 work sets

4 Rounds of:

  • Max Ground to Overhead in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Max KB Swings in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 seconds


Deadlifts – 365# x3

Metcon – Started around 15 and ended around 8 @ 95# (Snatch) and 1.5 pood (KB)

The 365# for 3 reps on the deadlift is awesome because my max 1 rep was 375# back in June.  As for the metcon, not so hot… I realize I really need to work on controlling the way back down for the snatch. I had no problem getting it up there, but after a few reps I would have to let go of the bar and reset my grip. For the KB swings, its my grip… I dropped it a quite a few times :-/ I also need to work on the controlled down-swing for these, as that is what is stopping me from jumping up to the 2 pood. I can’t control it on the way down, get off balance, and end up tweaking my back.