Open WOD 14.5: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
- Thrusters (95#)
- Bar-facing Burpees
Results: 39:29
This was brutal for me, and it wasn’t a lung issue like most folk… for me it was my lower back. Since I can’t front rack, there is a lot of stress on my back which apparently hasn’t completely recovered from the other week (stupid running with a 35# plate). I had to stop and rest my back (laying on the ground) more often than not.
But I finished! And with that, brings the 2014 Open to a close.
One of these years I will actually be ready for the Open and improve from the previous year. As of recently, between not getting to the gym regularly recent years and eating like crap, especially during the holidays, I just have never felt ready for the Open… but I still do it.