Complete each round for time:
- 20 Overhead Squats @ 135#’s
- 20 Pull Ups
- 20 Box Jumps 24″
Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 rounds
After 3 third round is completed, immediately run 800 meters for time (sprint the hell out of it).
19:47 @ 75#, 25:11
This means my sprint was 4:56.
I think Jason was a little off on his RX weights for the overhead squats for us mere mortals… as I think most of the guys did 75# and only a few did 95#, at least in our class. Apparently I have pretty good form for overhead squats, now if only my wrists weren’t such an issue I’m sure I could have done a lot better. The sprint really really sucked for me, I got a real bad stitch in my side and walked about half of the first 400m lap.