Split Jerk Technique, go moderately heavy
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 5 Ring Dips (sub if you need to)
- 10 Knees to Elbows
- 5 Burpees
Immediately after choose one of the following to perform with a partner:
You rest while your partner goes.
A) Prowler pushes to the end of the parking lot and back
B) Row 200 meters
C) Sled drags
D) 200 meter sprints
Each person goes 4 times.
95# for the split jerk (+1 @ 135#)
7 round + 5 K2E
Prowler, only 3 rounds … my right leg got the best of me and was really bothering me after the first 2 rounds, so I bailed on the last round :-(