Week #1 is done… and overall I did pretty good. I didnt get around to doing much prep work last weekend, so I did end up eating out a bit and short-cutting meals by using some precooked items. But I did make chooses along the primal lines for these (such as organic chicken meatballs w/ minimal extra ingredients). My breakfast was usually an omelet w/ bacon, veggies, and salsa. Lunches tended to be a salad with some sort of meat (Carnitas, chicken, lamb, etc…). So over all I think I did pretty good.
I did have one off day… which was of course Friday night. The stuff that was off the primal path was some vodka, vodka tonics, and a burrito. But the rest of the day was good, and Im not stressing… since one of the things I said I wanted to do this time was to work more for the sustainable eating v.s. going super strict and then fall off again.
Here are a few of my meals…
- Donner Salad (Thin slices of slowly cooked lamb with green salad, carrots, feta cheese,tomato and onion olive oil vinaigrette)
- Burger w/ bacon & blue cheese over lettuce, Butternut squash soup
- Scramble w/ chicken, cheese, garlic, salsa, artichoke hearts and a side of fruit
- Faijta veggies & beef w/ guac
As for week #2, I did spend some time on Sunday planning, prepping, and cooking for the week. On the menu so far is: Egg Muffins (w/ peppers, onions, mushrooms, bacon), Primal Stuffed Peppers (beef & pork), Bacon-Chicken-Avocado Salad.