Ok, so not so good this week. Most days I was good and did actually prepare a food at home. However, I did also have a few off days (typically after Id had a few drinks). Last weekend I did cook up the egg muffins (aka mini crust-less quiches) and stuffed peppers. The quiches where awesome, the peppers… no so much. I never did get around to making the chicken salad last week which resulted in me eating out a bit still.
As I said, I did earlier… I did have few breakdowns: Went out with the co-workers for sushi sake on Thu (followed up by Taco Bell) . Then out on Sat with another friend (followed up by Taco Bell and a police chase next to me… read story). And then Sun was wings with accompanying not-so-primal sides and drink.
Here are a few meals from this week:
- Mini-quiches
- Stuffed Pepper w/ salad
- Pork Scallopini w/ green beans & spinach
- Indian spiced chicken and veggies