Week #1… Done!
First thought… Anyone know how to teach cats to wash dishes? Just kidding, kind of. I’ve been doing a LOT of dish washing because I’ve been doing a lot of cooking in my tiny kitchen, which is a good thing, and have started stock piling food. Overall, I think I’m did pretty good. One of my biggest hurdles with meals is being lazy, there are lots of time when I just want to eat. Not have to cook and clean. Just eat. Queue the slow cooker! Plus every time I cook, I’ve been making lots of food and freezing part of it (queue vacuum sealer) for quick meals later on. Here are a few of the meals I had this past week:
- Old School Italian Meat Sauce
- Fresh Dungeness Crab
- Green Curry Soup
- Crockpot Balsamic Chicken
If anyone is interested in the complete meal log, you can check out my meal logs here on google docs: Ben’s Food Log
I’ve been good and doing lots of fresh organic veggies, grass-feed meat, minimal eating out (only 3 times!), and no wine (sad face). The one thing I haven’t been very good with is butter. I’ve been using a mix of non-grass-fed ghee (for cooking) and grass-fed butter (Bulletproof coffee). Which after doing some additional reading on the Whole30 forums, what I should be doing is grass-fed ghee. Hence one of the projects for this week is to clarify the grass-fed butter I just bought.
Another thing I’m not so good with is tracking how I feel. Part of changing your diet this way is that you’re suppose to feel better, sleep better, and have more energy. I’ve never been vary good at this. I guess I just don’t know how to “listen to my body”. That being said, I definitely do feel better. Its just the beginning, and I know that most of the effect kicks in later on, but definitely don’t feel as crappy as I did prior to the challenge. I’m definitely not at the “OH MY GOD I FEEL AWESOME AWSOME AWSOME! This is great! Lets go! Let go! Leg go!” state that some people seem to be, but there is improvement.
This past week was mainly crockpot cooking. For the upcoming week… Sous vide! A while back I prepped a lot of food to cook in it, but never got around to cooking it. Since I’m running out of space in my freezer, I figure its time to break into that stash of food. Looking forward to some steaks and scallops!
And finally, I haven’t make it back to the gym yet as I’ve been focusing on food. I know of the past, I sometimes tend to jump in and try to do much right away. And when first getting back to Crossfit, I tend NOT to want to do anything (like cook) once I’ve finished at the gym. Now that I’ve got back into the rhythm of cooking, its time to add the gym back in for week 2.