A step backwards… Food-wise this week was pretty good, however, I didn’t goto the gym at all this week. Getting sick last weekend threw a wrench in the plans to getting back into regular scheduled workouts. I did not do much bulk cooking this week, as I needed to start using up what I already have stocked piled in the freezer. However, I did manage few things…
- Chicken Soup
- Chicken w/ artichokes and oven-dried tomatoes
- Italian sausage w/ peppers, onions and artichoke hearts
- Buffalo Chicken Salad
- Bison Burger
- Buffalo Wings
My big cooking was the chicken soup, exactly what I needed for being sick. However, I kinda cheated with it…
One of these days I will try making my own chicken stock, however, didn’t really have the energy/motivation to do that this week so I made the soup from frozen veggies, pre-cooked chicken, and purchased chicken stock. Note to self, frozen veggies take a looooooooooooooooooooong time to boil. It took almost an hour. So my quick fix chicken soup, wasn’t so quickly done. But it turned out good and hit the spot.
Another thing I realized, is that I tend to try to do lots of fancy stuff in the crockpot or sous vide… but really, sometimes the simple meals are the best. And I really enjoy them. Case in point, I had a serving of the Lamb Curry sitting in my fridge but just didn’t feel like it. Instead I defrosted meat sauce, bought a roasted chicken, and made sausage w/ peppers & onions rather than eat it. One of the best meals of the week was the italian sausage with the sauteed pepper and onions. YUM! And just a plan old bison burger, pretty tasty… and quick and easy.
Also, inspite of having no plans for the Super Bowl and not really being a sports guy… I kinda wanted to have tail-gate/party food. Specifically buffalo wings! I really do love those. This was another cheat-ish meal. I originally planned to make the wings from scratch and even bought frozen wings. However, Whole Foods had a bucket of wings for $7.99 and they had some paleo wings. So I couldn’t pass it up. I did however, make my own buffalo sauce to add to them… it was delicious and very much what i was looking for. I ended up snacking on them the entire day along with some homemade ranch, veggies, and sweet potato fries. All I was missing was a beer.
I think going forward, I’m going to try stepping back and doing some simpler things… burger, stir-fry, steak. Speaking of going forward, the challenge is almost over! And I think I’ve done pretty good over all. It officially lasts through the 5th I believe, however, the follow-up isn’t until Sat the 8th. Plus my teams is probably going to do an outing Tues night. I may take that evening off and have drink. However, I do plan to mainly stick to the Whole30 until after the follow-up. After, I definitely see some indulging (wine & chocolate anyone??) and then onto figuring out how strict I want to remain. I do plan on continuing to eat clean, but probably not the Whole30. But that isn’t for another week….
For now I’m sticking to the Whole30 and heading back to the gym!