WOD A: 5min AMRAP, alternate w/ partner…
- 3 Power Snatch
… rest 1 minute…
WOD B: 5min AMRAP, alternate w/ partner…
- 5 HSPU
RESULTS A: 4 round @ 95# (doing 5 reps)
RESULT B: 2 rounds @ attempts
For some reason, me and my partner Robbie, thought it was 5 reps of the snatch just like the HSPU… so we did 5 reps instead of the prescribed 3 reps. Because my hands were a little torn-up from the previous day, I dropped the bar most times. But I ROCKED the last round and fired them off unbroken rather quickly!
The HSPU… not so pretty. I’m not strong enough to do them strict and I’m still working on the kip. However, I think the biggest problem was that my shoulders were done and I just couldn’t keep my balance on the way down. Thus I toppled a lot and eventually tweaked my neck. I gave up after that and just let Robbie finish on his own.