So this workout really did not go so well for me… Before the WOD we did some skill work practicing the false grip ring pull up. My wrists didn’t take so well to this which didn’t help the WOD. Wrist have always been a week point for me. The other thing I found is that my core has gone to shit… I think I only manged to do maybe 5 or so actual wall climbs, as I would use make it half way before collapsing (aka letting my hips fall). Between these two things the WOD turned into basically 5 wall climb attempts, 7 deadlifts, 7 hang cleans, 4 full cleans + 3 push press.
On the up side, I’m doing better with my eating.
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
- 5 Wall Climbs
- 7 hang power cleans @ 135#’s
- 7 shoulder to overhead @ 135#’s
7 Good mornings @ 135#’s7 Deadlifts @135# (changed by Rick)
4 rounds + 1 wall climb (attempt) @ 95#