18:20, 95#
10 Deadlift’s at 135#
10 Hang Squat Cleans 135#
10 Push Presses 135#
Complete this then relax for 1 minute, repeat for a total of 4 rounds.
The goal here is to do everything everytime unbroken or to keep your times similar to each other.
18:20, 95#
Did not get unbroken, but I was able to finally get several of the hang squat cleans chained together (5 once). The front squat position is rough for me by itself, let alone trying to get back to the hang or press position. 95# was a good weight… Easy on the deads, challenging on the cleans, and pefect for the press. Kept a good pace once I got into it.
Post-workout workout:
500m row = 1:48
(iPhone iRonick)