Getting closer … 126 done.
All posts by bronick
WOD: Jess’s Birthday Workout
Deadlift Heavy! We will warm up quick, start light and work your way up. The goal is not a 1 rep max (unless your feelin it). The goal is simply to lift 30-40 reps tomorrow.
Max rounds in 4 minutes of:
- 10 Box Jumps 24″
- 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95#’s
Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 round
Worked up to 305# for the deadlifts.
3 round, 2 round +10 sumo + 1 boxjumps, 2 rounds +10 sumo
All I have to say is… “boxjumps?? again?? really??” Being that my calves are finally almost recovered, I didn’t event attempt to jump down off the box and did step downs instead… which took forever. But my sumos where pretty good. Usually got the first round unbroken and then made it to about 5 on the consecutive rounds.
Once again I’ve let my eating get the better (or more accurately, the worst) of me. Since the Paleo Challenge ended, I haven’t been very good with my eating. Its been a mix paleo, pizza, almost paleo, pizza, burgers, pizza, beer, etc… ugh. Yes, its really that bad. If I don’t have anything ready, I usually end up ordering pizza.
“Eat like crap, feel like crap”… kinda. One of my problems is that when I do eat bad, even after eating clean I don’t really feel like crap. However, I think its finally caught up with me. While I might not feel like crap initially, as of recently I have been lacking energy. So…
With a new month and the start of the week, I’ve decided to get back on Paleo for at least 30 days. After coming home to some slow cooked dry rubbed spare ribs (w/ broccoli), it was shopping and then cooking:
- Mushroom & Shalot Quiche
- Curried Chicken Salad Wraps
- Bacon and Greens
I need to make sure I stay on top of my meals and have stuff ready to go so there is no temptation to order pizza. Hence all the prep last night to keep me going for most the week. Now I just need to keep up with it. Here I go…
125 done will cooking some Paleo meals for the rest of the week.
124 done to finish off the weekend.
(That means I’ve done a total of 247 burpees today.)
Team WOD
Teams of 2 or 3, 1 person doing a round at a time of:
• 3 back squat
• 6 thrusters
• 9 burpees
10 min AMRAP
4 rounds
Burpees Day 123
Completely forgot these yesterday until Sal wrote the workout on the board this morning. So…
36 (during WOD) + 87 = 123 done
Open WOD 11.2
15 minute AMRAP:
• 9 deadlifts 155#
• 12 push-ups
• 15 box jumps 24″
8 rounds + 1 deadlifts
My calves are still sore from the 5K on Monday, but I still managed to do a decent job. I’m pretty happy.
122 in 9:28 at the office gym.
121 more done. Only 10 days to go!
Another 120 done after an evening at D&B with my co-workers.