50 (in the morning) + 61 (in the evening) = 111 done for the day.
All posts by bronick
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Heavy!
10 Rounds for time of:
- 10 Kettlebell Swings
- 10 Box Jumps
16:35 (7 rounds @ 1.5 pood, 3 round @ 1 pood, 24″ box)
All around… not one of my best days. Didn’t get anywhere near my max front squat (275#). We also some how ended up working with a 35# bar, eventually we switched to the standard 45#.
As for the metcon, I didn’t think I was going that slow… but when everyone else was finishing I was only on round 7. I was ready to give up… but of course nobody would let me. So after a quick rest on my back, I dropped down to 1 pood and finished the last 3 rounds. Thanks guys for pushing me.
Needless to say, after this I spend some time on the foam roller and reverse hyper to help my back out.
Then I spent about 10min or so working on double-unders. Several folks have tried to convince me to sign up for the CrossFit Games Open, but the first WOD includes double-unders which I haven’t quite gotten… yet.
17 (pre-WOD warmup) + 93 = 110 done.
As a team of 4, you have 15 min to complete:
- 225# deadlift
- Handstand push-up
- Commando push-ups
- Air squat
Max rep thrusters (95#) = scrore
Only two people working at a time.
110 thrusters
The class was pretty fun, we started off with some Frisbee golf w/ a burpee penalty for missing. Then moved onto dodgeball w/ burpee, push-up, or v-up penalties. And that was just the warm up. Needless to say I got a few of my 110 burpees out of the way. Oh and I did attempt the HSPU against the wall and managed to kinda get them. I’m pretty sure I didn’t get full range of motion, but I’m alot closer than I was.
109 done.
108 burpees finished off just before midnight.
107 burpees done… After a few drinks and karaoke at the neighborhood bar. Better late than 200+ tomorrow =P
Heavy Deadlifting (no set scheme, just lift heavy objects)
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 10 SDHP’s @ 75#
- 7 Sit Ups
- 5 Burpees
9 rounds
A little disappointed in my deadlifting, but being that my legs where already dead I’m not surprised that I didn’t get close to my max. But it was still good to lift heavy things again ;-) As for the AMRAP, I was pretty happy with it. The weight was light enough that I didn’t slow down too much. Plus I got to know a few burpees out of the way…
Burpees Day 106:
45 (during WOD) + 61 (post WOD) = 106 burpees done
105 done. These burpees were a lot more effort after the last two days at the gym… my legs are dead.
It was the birthday of Austin B (Jason’s coach) from Crossfit Milpitas, so here is his birthday WOD:
Max Rounds in 32 Minutes of:
- 3 Power Snatches @ 135#’s/ 95#’s
- 5 Squat Cleans @ 135#’s/ 95#’s
- 15 Push Ups
- 20 Jumping Lunges
- 35 Double Under’s
- 50 foot 45# plate carry (plate can not touch your body)
5 round + 43 (thru lunges) @95#
32 min is a long time.
Overall, not bad. My weak points where jumping lunges and double-unders. My legs were pretty sore from Monday, which made the lunges rough. However, with the double-unders… as much as they suck and I continue to lash my self with the rope… I’m finally starting to get them strung together. I think I got upwards of 7 in a row! But 35 still took a while.