
All posts by bronick


Pratice handstand work.

Then 5 Rounds of:

  • Option A:
    • 20 push press @ 95#
    • 15 burpees
  • Option B:
    • 10 push jerk @ 135#
    • 15 burpees

Rest 1 min between rounds.


16:23 (Option A)

Worked on part of the progression to the freestanding handstand that was posted on the Gymnastics WOD site a while back. Basically I scissor kicked  up against the wall to the point that when my feet are split, the one foot rested against the wall and then slowly tried to bring the feet together. Almost got it one time.

As for the WOD, I was the last to finish  but I did finish. Once again, not have a good front rack and wrist strengh where my week points. From round 2 on, I was lucky to get 4 jerks before I dropping the bar and having to clean it again. On the up-side, this did get a fair amount of my burpees out of the way ;-)

Burpees Day 92:

75 (in WOD) + 17 (post WOD) = 92 done for the day.

+17 burpees


1 Rep max power clean

Then, 4 rounds of:

  • 500m row
  • heavy prowler push until you stop


205#, 225# (f)

Didn’t get a new PR for the clean, but got close. Got the 225# to my shoulders, but didn’t quite get under it enough to catch it completely. Current PR is still 215#.

As for the met-con, all I can say is that I finished it. We really didn’t time it due to the large class size. I can say that for the prowler push 3 of the 4 times were on the red prowler (which does NOT have a wheel) loaded with 11 45# plates… so basically 500#.  So, ya… heavy. It was a different workout, not sure if I liked it or not.


Tabata Air Squats

Then… Alyssa’s Birthday WOD:

  • 2 Rounds:
    • 10 DL @ 185#’s
    • 10 Box Jumps 24″
    • 10 V Ups
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 3 Rounds:
    • 10 DL @ 185#’s
    • 10 Box Jumps 24″
    • 10 V Ups
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 5 Rounds:
    • 10 DL @ 185#’s
    • 10 Box Jumps 24″
    • 10 V Ups


Tabata score = 15
Only 2 rounds … Did No Finish

Ok, this WOD looked brutal and I’m sure it would have been… had I finished :-(

My back was bothering me before the workout, but I gave it a go anyway. Did two round at 185# which took forever as I stopped to lay on my back a few times (ugh). At the start of round 3 I dropped down to 135# and that still wasn’t working so I opted to just stop and started rolling out my back.

The foam rolling only kinda helped. Jason recommended doing the reverse-hyper with weight which turned out to be awesome. I did a few set of 5-10 extensions and my back felt a 100 times better. I know talking to a few other folks in the gym they said doing back extensions and/or the reverse hyper daily helps, so I think I really need to start doing them.