
All posts by bronick


15 min AMRAP:

  • 10 Super Pull Ups (pull up and jump to the bar attached above it)
  • 10 Right Arm snatches with either a heavy KB or DB
  • 10 Left Arm snatches with either a heavy KB or DB
  • 10 Front Squats with the object you are using for the snatches


4 rounds + 3 pullups @ 35# DB

Ok, let me just say idea the super pull-up… crazy. I tried one before the workout… made up to the bar, but my hands slipped off. So I stuck to regular pull-ups (not even chest-2-bar) after yesterday’s workout. It was a good little workout and I managed to spill some blood. Apparently my hands are too delicate for 2 days of pull-ups ;-P

This was the “bring a friend” class that we have at the gym every Sat, so I this time I finally brought a friend… Trung from the Renegades decided to come give CrossFit a go…. he survived ;-)



Heavy deadlifts … 1 rep max … top 1/2 of the lift.

Then 20min AMRAP (made up on the spot):

  • 15 pullup (chest-2-bar)
  • 30s L sit


4 rounds + 5 pullups

For the deadlifts, to work something different we worked on only the 2nd half of the lift so the bar started just below the knees (stacked plates on the floor). From here you can do a heavier load, and I did… normal deadlift PR is 385# but I got  bit more than that today and made it over 400#!

As for the met-con, it didn’t sound so bad at first… I started good the pull-ups doing chest-2-bar, but that didn’t last to long. 30s L-sits really suck, everyone was basically doing 5 second sets so they took forever. Was definitely a different type of workout, but was still workout.


Find your 1 Rep Max Height Box Jump

5 Rounds for Time:

  • 10 Power Snatches 95#’s
  • 20 Wall Ball Shot’s


10:46 @ 75#

For the box jumps, not a PR as I got 42″  before. But I took at easy because of my little toes which lost chunks a flesh to my hiking boots on Monday. At the gym was the first time I put shoes on this week, been wearing flip-flops as to give toes time to recover. But it was pretty amazing watching some of the other folks go for the high jumps… and when I say high, I’m talking over 60″!! Check out some of the photos on the CFSC Blog here…

As for the couplet… this was a pretty good workout to come back to after a week off. I opted to drop down to 75# as I tend to over estimate the weight I should use. This worked out pretty good, as I finished in a decent time for a change.