
All posts by bronick

No days missed again! Total at the end of the week… 406 burpees.

Date Day Done
2012-01-22 22 22
2012-01-23 23 23
2012-01-24 24 24
2012-01-25 25 25
2012-01-26 26 26
2012-01-27 27 27
2012-01-28 28 28

I’ve been sick this past week, so I’m still not doing the burpees very fast.  Wake up, do 10 burpees, hack up a lung, do 10 more, hack up another lung, etc… However, what I have been doing is slowing them down and hit all the check points, like doing an actual push up (down-up) rather than just dropping to the floor. If I’m gonna go slow, I might as well take advantage of it!

No days missed again! Total at the end of the week… 231 burpees.

Date Day Done
2012-01-15 15 15
2012-01-16 16 16
2012-01-17 17 17
2012-01-18 18 18
2012-01-19 19 19
2012-01-20 20 13
2012-01-21 21 21

I hear some of my other co-workers decided to join in and started catching up by doing burpees on the beach in Hawaii… I’m not sure if I believe them or not ;-P

WOD: CrossFit Total

1 Rep Max:

  • Back Squat
  • Shoulder Press
  • Deadlift
Add ’em up!


  • Back Squat: 315# PR
  • Shoulder Press: 125#
  • Deadlift: 345#
Total: 785#


I really wasn’t feeling the heavy lifting yesterday for some reason, which is unusual since I normally love it. In spite of that, I did mange to get a PR on the back squat. The other two, not so much. Both are lower than my previous PR from some time ago.

Primal Week 2

Ok, so not so good this week. Most days I was good and did actually prepare a food at home. However, I did also have a few off days (typically after Id had a few drinks). Last weekend I did cook up the egg muffins (aka mini crust-less quiches) and stuffed peppers. The quiches where awesome, the peppers… no so much. I never did get around to making the chicken salad last week which resulted in me eating out a bit still.

As I said, I did earlier… I did have few breakdowns: Went out with the co-workers for sushi sake on Thu (followed up by Taco Bell) . Then out on Sat with another friend (followed up by Taco Bell and a police chase next to me… read story). And then Sun was wings with accompanying not-so-primal sides and drink.

Here are a few  meals from this week:

No days missed this week and I did finally start doing them in the morning again. I always think its better to just get them out of the way.

Date Day Done
2012-01-08 8 8
2012-01-09 9 9
2012-01-10 10 10
2012-01-11 11 11
2012-01-12 12 12
2012-01-13 13 13
2012-01-14 14 14

I also managed to get a few other friends to join in! Will need to check in and see how they are doing…


Heave Over-Head Squat: 5-5-3-3

Then 21-15-9:

rxd intermediate scaled
  • OH Squat (135/95lbs)
  • HSPU
  • OH Squat (115/75lbs)
  • HSPU (bands/box)
  • OH Squat (95/65 or 45lbs)
  • DB or BB Press


bar, 65#, 75#, 95#, 115# (x3), 125# (x3), 145# (x1)

11:41, scaled
(95# and HSPU from box)