
All posts by bronick

Open WOD 11.5:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

  • 5 Power cleans (145lbs / 65kg)
  • 10 Toes to bar
  • 15 Wall balls (20lbs to 10′ target)


6 rounds + 5 cleans

This was not one of my better workouts. I have not been feeling very motivated this week, been eating crap again, and only been to the gym twice. It was the toes-2-bar which got me. I can not get into a rhythm with them and after a few rounds my forearms/grip just won’t work.For the last few rounds I was doing them in sets of 2 and by the last round I was doing them one at a time  releasing from the bar. Even when I was not releasing the bar, I still had to stop myself between them due the swing. When I tried to do more, I ended up with some spectacular dismounts flinging myself across the room.

The wall-ball shots where not as much of as issue as I thought they might be. I did buy a pair of lifting wrist wraps which I was using for the first time. Not sure if they are what did the trick or not. But whatever it was, my right thumb was not bothering me like it was during the Filthy Fifty wall-balls.

Over-all I only had a few missed reps… some half-ass toe-2-bars on which I gave up-halfway and few of the wall-balls where not on target or missed the wall. One more workout to go… Thrusters and Chest-2-bar Pull-ups…

Open WOD 11.4:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

  • 60 Bar-facing burpees
  • 30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
  • 10 Muscle-ups


60 burpees + 7 overhead squats = 67 reps

I had hoped to do better. I figured I wouldn’t make it the muscle-ups, but thought I would get a few more of the overhead.  Also the burpees also took longer than I expected having done some many recently. I just dropped the bar at the bottom 4-5 times, which sucked because I then had to get the bar back up overhead which takes a bit of work. I hadn’t done overhead squats in a while until Monday, but I only used 75#. 120# is a lot harder.

I have to say, I do like the way they programed this workout for the Open. When I heard muscle-ups, I thought “wow, that might be a problem for a lot folks” (including me). But by making it at 10 min AMRAP instead of “for time w/ 10 min cap” it allowed everyone that can do a burpee to finish the workout and get a score.  I know one of guys from the gym PRed his overhead during the workout which is awesome.

So my first week of trying to get back on Paleo went… ok. I give myself a B-, as I was probably about 80% paleo for the week overall. I was good at the start of the week, up until Thursday with the co-workers. We all went out for dinner at Roux ( and I couldn’t resist the jambalaya or a few cocktails. I will say, it was the best jambalaya I’ve gotten from a restaurant yet. Sat dinner and Sun breakfast were also not so Paleo.

One of my other sticking points is coffee. I’ve been doing Americanos with half & half  and Splenda.

So, let us see how this week goes… I did pickup some stuff over the weekend to cook, but haven’t made it yet. That is what is on the agenda for tonight is… so steak or Paleo Butter Chicken? Decisions…

Note to self: Do burpees before staying up to 2 AM playing Magic with a friend.

I did it again… missed yesterday. So tonights evening workout….

130 + 131 = 261 burpees = 25:00 minutes!

And this brings me the commited end of my burpees challenge, from Dec 1st 2010 thru April 10th 2011 for a 131 days of burpee fun making a grand total of 8646.

So the question… keep going??


Perform the following for time:

  • 10 Knees to Elbows
  • 20 Lunges W/ 45# plate overhead
  • 10 Push Up’s on the plate (alternating arm on the plate)
  • 20 KB Swings @ 2 pood

Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.


27:52 @ 1.5 pood

Anything that involves kettlebells never bodes well for me. Between the knees-2-elbows and the kettlebells, by forearms where toast. The last two rounds, I was only getting 2 swings sometimes. I was the last one to finish, but I did finish.


Max Rounds in 12 minutes of:

  • 7 Ring Dips
  • 10 Suit Cases
  • 7 Power Snatches @ 95#’s

Recover, then 4 Prowler Pushes


7 rounds… I think. And 1 prowler push. By calves were still a bit tweaked, so I didn’t want to push them and not be able to walk for another week. So only the 1 prowler push and I moved onto foam rolling.