Burpee Challenge


  • 12 Ring Dips
  • 33 Air Squats
  • 18 Pull Ups
  • Sprint Roughly 75 meter’s
  • 9 Burpees
  • Sprint Back

Perform this for time….rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds.


19:45 (sub thin band on ring dips)

Got some complements on my pull-ups, but I still wasn’t able to do them unbroken. The first two round it took me two sets, the last 2 rounds it took me a few more. I started the dips without the band, but after 5 I switched to using the thin band as a sub.

This one really took a lot out of me. I was originally thinking of staying for the oly class but didn’t quite recover so I decided to head to the office to shower and get dinner instead.

Burpees Day 57:

36 (during the WOD) + 21 (immediately after finish the WOD) = 57 done

Round #1 – WOD:

Clean Pulls Heavy…..(Pulls 1 and 2, not the catch)

Max rounds in 4 minutes of:

  • 10 KB swings @ 1.5 poods
  • 10 Box Jumps (24″)

Rest 1 minute and repeat for 3 rounds

4 rounds, 3 rounds , 3 rounds + 1 swing

As expected the KB swings where my week point, although I did get most of the rounds unbroken until towards the end. I think part of its I get nervous when I feel my grip loosen just a bit and end up stopping. I also think I need to work on trying to move the KB more on the way back down rather than just letting fall, this is probably part of why I take so long doing them… I’m not fast.

Round #2 – Boxing:

Joined Maura for the Truine boxing class upstairs (1hr).  The only other thing I’ve done like this was the MMA conditioning class at the office, which I really liked. And I did remember some of the stuff form it (i.e. what 1, 2, 3, and 4 are).

I’ve been wanting to try some sort of martial arts type stuff… so I’m thinking of checking out the Jiu-Jitsu classes here as well.

Round #3 – Burpees Day 56:

56 burpees done before heading home from the gym.