It was the birthday of Austin B (Jason’s coach) from Crossfit Milpitas, so here is his birthday WOD:
Max Rounds in 32 Minutes of:
- 3 Power Snatches @ 135#’s/ 95#’s
- 5 Squat Cleans @ 135#’s/ 95#’s
- 15 Push Ups
- 20 Jumping Lunges
- 35 Double Under’s
- 50 foot 45# plate carry (plate can not touch your body)
5 round + 43 (thru lunges) @95#
32 min is a long time.
Overall, not bad. My weak points where jumping lunges and double-unders. My legs were pretty sore from Monday, which made the lunges rough. However, with the double-unders… as much as they suck and I continue to lash my self with the rope… I’m finally starting to get them strung together. I think I got upwards of 7 in a row! But 35 still took a while.