

It was the birthday of Austin B  (Jason’s coach) from Crossfit Milpitas, so here is his birthday WOD:

Max Rounds in 32 Minutes of:

  • 3 Power Snatches @ 135#’s/ 95#’s
  • 5 Squat Cleans @ 135#’s/ 95#’s
  • 15 Push Ups
  • 20 Jumping Lunges
  • 35 Double Under’s
  • 50 foot 45# plate carry (plate can not touch your body)


5 round + 43 (thru lunges) @95#

32 min is a long time.

Overall, not bad. My weak points where jumping lunges and double-unders. My legs were pretty sore from Monday, which made the lunges rough. However, with the double-unders… as much as they suck and I continue to lash my self with the rope… I’m finally starting to get them strung together. I think I got upwards of 7 in a row! But 35 still took a while.


Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

5 Rounds for time of:

  • 10 Ring Dips
  • 20 Wall Ball Shots


Low bar 235#
9:09 (w/ band)

So for the back squat again, I worked on the low-bar rack position which I’ve only done once before. Still not comfortable with it, but getting better. However, this time around a big issue was my flexibility. Don’t recall it being an issue last time, but I had a hard time getting my hands narrow enough for the rack. To the point that stopped at 235# I was starting to feel some pinching in my upper arm. I think I had previously tweak something there and this just aggravated it :-(

As for the metcon, I did better than I expected mainly because I started off with the band assisted dips. I’m getting better at unassisted dips, but not when you need to a bunch of them. I also have officially decided that I need to use the old medballs for the wallballs to avoid rouge a ball flying across the gym. It was kinda funny at one point, when using one of the new ones I managed to get the ball to hit me in the head (guess I was too close or threw too hard) and then fell behind me and rolled under another person who sat on it at the bottom of the wallball squat.

Burpees Day 100:

100 burpees for time… 7:11

And props to Maura for join me and doing 100 in 7:47… WAY TO GO!!


20 Hip Extensions
1 Prowler push (there and back)
20 Hip Extensions
1 Prowler push (there and back)

Rest 30 seconds to a minute and repeat for 4- 5 rounds


No clue how long it took, but somebody said it was 20 min or so. I only did 4 rounds, I finished up my 4th round as everyone else was finishing up their 5th. As usual my back acted up, and I basically took time to rest and do reverse hypers between. All and all not bad for my first day back in a week. I’m happy with the burpees ;-)