Missed Sunday’s since I up on SF… so yesterday (2011-01-17):
47 done @ 2:30pm and thenĀ 48 done just before midnight.
Missed Sunday’s since I up on SF… so yesterday (2011-01-17):
47 done @ 2:30pm and thenĀ 48 done just before midnight.
Team WOD:
12min AMRAP:
3 person teams, rotate stations every minute.
Team Robin/Stacy/Ben…
85 thrusters (some 95# and some 75#)
104 SDHP
220 BJs
409 total
Not a bad workout to start back with after a week off. Found out Stacy works at the same campus as me! Now if I could only get some of my co-workers to come…
46 more done.
45 done to finish off the work week.
44 more done to finish off the day.
43 burpees done.
42 burpees done.
41 burpees to start off the work day.
40 burpees to finish of the weekend.
39 burpees done.