38 burpees to finish off the day.
“Helen” – 3 Rounds for time of:
- Run 400 meters
- 21 KB swings 1 pood
- 12 Pull Ups
13:45 @ 1pood
Having to jump up to the pull-up bar makes a big difference… but using a taped bar also makes a big difference (even if I do have to jump up to it).
Deadlift 1 Rep Max
Then 15-10-5:
- Pull Ups
- Power Snatches @ 95#’s
385# (PR by 10#)
6:02 @ Rx
In spite of my legs still being quite sore from Monday, I was happy to get a PR on the deadlift. Granted it was only 10# and didn’t compare to some of the other 30# PRs which happened in the class, it was still a PR and its more than double my body weight.
The met-con was short, but rough… mainly the 2nd round (10 reps). I actually managed to do the first 15 pullups unbroken which was great for me. However it took me 3 set to do the 10 reps and it sucked cause I was using a high bar which I had to jump up to each time. Last round went pretty quick.
37 burpess done while getting ready to head to work.
36 burpees done. This brings my total thus far to 666.
Push Press for a 1 rep max
3 Minute AMRAP:
- 5 Push Ups
- 10 Lateral jumps (over barbell) 1 is 1
- 5 Push Press with 95#’s
Rest 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 rounds
165# , 185# (f)
4+5, 3+5, 2+16
I still need to work on my front rack to overhead transition. I could only get the 165# push press by death gripping the bar. As for the metcon, I should have probably dropped the weight for the push press down more as I got really slow at them the 2nd and 3rd rounds… but it was still a good workout.
As a side note… I need to remember one of these days that speed squats after a week of are a bad idea. My legs are pretty sore from the front squats on Monday. Hopefully it won’t take me until Sat to recover this time.
35 burpees to start off the first work day of the year.
65 Reps of Front Squats @ 135#’s
These should be fast and intense, break the sets up like we do for speed back squats.
Maura’s One year Anniversary workout at the gym:
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
- 10 KB Swings @ 1.5 pood
- 8 Wall Ball Shots
- 4 Pull Up’s
- 2 Power Clean @ 225 or whatever is “heavy” for you.
53 reps @ 135#
5 round @ 165#
Why is it always speed squats when I start back at the gym… I don’t think these ones where quite as bad the back squats the last time, and unfortunately I ran out of time so only completed 53 of 65 reps.
As for the metcon… ugh. I’m really out of it and really sucked at it. First off I tried to go to heavy on the cleans @ 185# and had to drop to 165# after two failed attempts. Worked fine before the workout, but after the pull ups I just couldn’t get it. And once by back started to bother me I think I let it get to more than it should…. you know how it works, once you start thinking about something, it just becomes more and more apparent. This is one of those mental things I haven’t been able to work past, I give up and give into excuses to easily :-(
That being said…. I was still pretty well spent after the workout.
I really need to find some motivation again…
34 more done.
33 done.