Mystery WOD:
Announced on the spot…Team WOD:
100 Clean & Jerks for time (135#)
As a pair complete the C&J, however, only 1 person may be working while the other is doing a prowler push… then switch.
Team red… 14:31
Ben @115# & Azad @75#
We worked some sort of press, I can’t remember the name (think it started with a “Z”)… but it is basically a behind the neck press with snatch grip from the squat position. For this I got only 65#, its really hard to get it off the shoulders at the bottom of the squat without raising up out of the squat. We also practiced some close grip overhead squats and closed feet overhead squats with really light weights. I was able to do overhead squat with my hands touching using a 45# bar. Not too bad.
Next we moved onto heavy Power Snatch. I found that a good working weight for me is 135#, failed at 155#, but then I did get 145#. Even though it wasn’t pretty, I’m pretty sure that’s a PR as I think 135# was my previous.