

Snatch Practice


Run 200m with ball
20 Wall Balls
10 Box Jumps

Max Rounds in 15 Minutes


3 rounds

My back did not like this workout. Between running with the ball and the box jumps, I actually laid down to take some pressure off the back multiple times. Ugh. 


(iPhone iRonick)

Perform 1-1-1 from the floor to a standing position (normal deadlift)

Then perform 1-1-1 from just above the knee to full extension

Max reps in 1 minute of each of the following:
KB swings 1.5 pood
Jumping Pull Ups
Push Press w/ 45# bar
Rest for 45 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds 



72, 62, 71, 65


(iPhone iRonick)

Tabata Sit Ups

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:

5 Power Cleans @ 135/95#

4 Ring Dips 

3 L- Pull Up's

Rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds 


Situps: 3 (ya I suck at them)

2,2+2,2+2,2+1 @ 115# and thin red band dor the dips

Probably could have gone with the 135#, but was still a good workout.  


(iPhone iRonick)


Front Squat


What does this mean? This means: Warm up to your 3 rep max and hit it 2 times, add weight then hit your 2’s hard, finally add even more weight and finish with extremely challenging 1 rep max’s.


Box Jump 24″

Thruster @ 135#/95#

This workout should be done in less than 14 minutes. Obviously at this load it would take some of you a lot longer than that. Please adjust the weight accordingly. However, I would rather have you start heavier and need to drop down than start to light and finish in 3 minutes.


Not to bad for not doing front squats in a while the last time I logged them for weight was back in Nov and i think it was 215# x 3.
14:23 @ 95#
The thrusters, as expected, did me in. I did actually lay o. The floor for about 30s or so just before the 4 rep round as my back was not happy. But overall I think 95# was a good weight.


(iPhone iRonick)


Partner rowing workout:
While one partner work’s the other is resting.

Partner 1 rows 250 meters. However long it takes him/her to row is the rest partner 2 gets. Complete this sequence for a total of 6 times EACH.


Averaged 55-58s per sprint. Didn’t really keep track, as I was too busy catching my breath.

Sumo Deadlift – 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95# 65#

7 Pull Up’s

7 Knee’s to Elbows

Max rounds in 4 minute’s, rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 rounds


2+7, 2+7, 2
On the 2nd set, I slipped off the bar on the 7th pullup… Luckily my ass broke my fall and I only slightly bumped my head. But I finished and now my forarms are dead.


(iPhone iRonick)

Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1


Run 800 meters

20 Push Ups

20 Push Press at 45#

Run 400 meters

30 Push Ups

30 Push Press at 45#

Run 200 meters

40 Push Ups

40 Push Press at 45#

Run 800 meters


Metcon: 22:56
Did regular pushups for first round and then switched to the knees after… But didn’t help as my shoulders are dead.


(iPhone iRonick)


Technique Work:
Kipping pull up or if you already have a kipping, practice butterfly pull ups
10 Hang Power Snatches at 95#/65#
Lunge the distance of the gym with the bar on your back
Repeat for as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes.
Rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds.

2, 1+10, 1+16, 1+10 @ 75#

Lunges did me in… I was able to into a rhythm with the snatch, but my legs are dead and the lunges were rough.

(iPhone iRonick)

10 Deadlift’s at 135#

10 Hang Squat Cleans 135#

10 Push Presses 135#

Complete this then relax for 1 minute, repeat for a total of 4 rounds.

The goal here is to do everything everytime unbroken or to keep your times similar to each other.

18:20, 95#

Did not get unbroken, but I was able to finally get several of the hang squat cleans chained together (5 once). The front squat position is rough for me by itself, let alone trying to get back to the hang or press position. 95# was a good weight… Easy on the deads, challenging on the cleans, and pefect for the press. Kept a good pace once I got into it.
Post-workout workout:
500m row = 1:48


(iPhone iRonick)