Finished off 91 burpees… 45 before breakfast and 46 in the evening before karaoke.
Finished off 91 burpees… 45 before breakfast and 46 in the evening before karaoke.
90 burpees done throughout the day… 15 at the gym, 45 before dinner, 10 after dinner, and finally the last 20 this evening (9:15 pm).
89 burpees done.
88 burpees done.
87 burpees done.
86 burpees done.
20 reps back squat + FGB…
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The event is in the 3 round format. The stations are:
85 burpees done to start the week off.