
8 week strength program WOD:

Complete each of the three following activities as a separate workout, complete at the highest intensity possible and experience the “Good Shit” Good Shit comes from Intensity.

1) Push Press   5-5-5-5-5

Rest 5 Minutes

2) Deadlift 20 Reps @ about 70% of 1RM, this will become your starting weight for a series of DL’s

Rest 7 Minutes

3)       3 Rounds for time

          5 Push Press @ 185#

          10 Burpees

          15 walking lunges, each leg= 1


1) 135-145-155(4)-155-155(2)
2) 205#
3) 6:22 @ 135#
My wrist is dead! The 205# for deadlift was too easy and will need to go heavier next time. At the same time 135# might have been a but heavy for the met-con as I felt like I wasn’t keeping intensity. 


(iPhone iRonick)