20 min for rounds:
15 115# hang cleans, 12 ring dips, 21 situps
4 rounds, sub 85# & red band dips
(techically… 3 round + 15 + 12 + 20)
(iPhone iRonick)
20 min for rounds:
15 115# hang cleans, 12 ring dips, 21 situps
4 rounds, sub 85# & red band dips
(techically… 3 round + 15 + 12 + 20)
(iPhone iRonick)
4 burpees done.
(iPhone iRonick)
(iPhone iRonick)
3 burpees done.
(iPhone iRonick)
5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats
20:00 = 13 rounds + 5 pull-ups
(iPhone iRonick)
2 burpees done.
(iPhone iRonick)
1 burpee done!
(iPhone iRonick)
If you’re interested, here is the post from crossfitsantaclara.com for the 100 Day Burpee Challenge :
The post only has the first half of the schedule, it goes Monday Jun 8th to Tuesday Sept 15th. Here is a post for a 2008 challenge which has the rules and explains the burpee:
And here is a burpee demo from the crossfit.com website:
5 rounds if 21 thrusters 75# + 21 double-unders
75# x2, 65# x3
21du x3, 63 singles x2
(iPhone iRonick)
Lynne = 5 rounds max reps body weight bench press + pullups
125# 12/8, 12/10, 9/7, 8/9, 8/9
(iPhone iRonick)
7 rounds: 3 push jerk, 6 pull up, 9 push up
17:05, 125# x 4 135# x 3
(iPhone iRonick)