
31:40 … 35 plate / jumping

(iPhone iRonick)

The first workout of the new year… and the first workout at the new location! The “morning crew” were the first to break in the new gym location:

Rounds for time… 30-25-20-15-10-5
Virtual shoveling + pull-ups

Unfortunately I had to sub, as it was suppose to be a 45 plate and there was no way I was going to be able to do 105 pull-ups so I did jumping…. But it was still a good workout.

Now I just need to get my eating on track again, I didn’t get around to shopping/cooking/prepping any food last night so I will need to eat from the cafe but I am going be smart about it and get some grilled chicken instead of a butter chicken or something like that. I also did bring some protein powder in so I can start doing my shakes in between which will help. Tonight will be the trip to Nob Hill for some “family pack” chicken and time to fire up the grill…

WOD – 5K

Time: 33:23

WOW, it felt like I was running for a hour… apparently this is not that bad for my first 5K run (which I walk a fair amount of it). And now I my calves and quads are killing me…