Workout of the Day


Row 500 meters
30 Box Jumps
30 Jumping Lunges
20 Box Jumps
20 Jumping Lunges
10 Box Jumps
10 Jumping Lunges
Row 500 meters



So this took more out of me than expected. Rowing really does me in… after the first row I just could not get the box jumps going. Granted I was using the 24″ box, but I’ve been able to crank them out before. I expected the workout to kill my legs, but this really hit me hard overall. When I finished the 2nd row, I just kind rolled off the rower onto the floor ;-P I was done.

Oh, and by the way it was 30 jumping lunges per leg… so 60, 40, 20…

(All the eating and drink for the holiday probably didn’t help either ;-D )


Full Snatch Heavy

10 Rounds for time of:

  • 10 Shoulder to Overhead @ 95#”s
  • 10 Box Jumps @ 20 inches


155# (PR by 10#)

13:44 Rx

Getting better with the snatch, but still gotta work on the overhead catch in the full squat as I’m still not that comfortable with it. But, got a PR! As for the met-con, well… S2O sucked. Although I did  stick with the 95#, I thought about dropping down to 75# a few time. I rocked the box jumps ;-P

So once again I did let my mental stuff get in the way… my wrist where bothering me a bit as I forgot to tape them (again), but I think I let it affect me more than it should have. There were a few times where I dropped the bar because my wrists were getting “tired” when I really shouldn’t have… grrr…

WOD:  Kimmy’s birthday WOD

4 Rds:

  • 10 overhead squats 115/75
  • Overhead carry 115/75 across the gym
  • 10 burpees over the bar

Plus 50 dbl unders after rd 2 & 4.

18:00 @ 75#

I dropped the weight down quite a bit since my wrist tend to have issues… and they did anyway. First two rounds weren’t that bad, but the last two took quite some time.  And the burpees after doing the overhead stuff kinda sucked too. I really need to past this complaining…. one of the guys actually commented that I was making excuses before the workout even began when I was talking about my wrists. Its true… granted some of it is physical issues, but part of is mental. And thats the part I need to work on.

Note to self – Practice double-unders, the single + double takes way way way to much effort.

Holy Sh*t!!! I did a muscle up!

The scary part is I really wasn’t trying or expecting to get one… It just kinda happened on the first try and I almost didn’t know what to do… Azad was trying them, I was saying I need to work my false grip, and only really attempted them the other week when Jason had us practice them before the WOD. So when the kip worked and I realized that I was above the rings… I was like “sh*t, what do I do now??”… it wasn’t pretty, but I made it! And of course had to hold up there for few minutes screaming “Somebody get a camera!!!!”


Sumo Deadlift – 7 sets of 2

These should be fast and explosive, not as concerned of going for a 2 rep max but you should go heavy (keeping good technique is key here)

You have 10 minutes to complete 7 Rounds of:

  • 7 DL’s @ 225#’s
  • 7 Push Ups


Sumo Deadlifts – Worked mainly at 245#

4:51 @ 205#
39 Wallballs

First off let me just say, my legs are still dead from the speed squats on Monday. So I knew the wallballs were not going to be pretty. The sumo’s when well. For the metcon, I did drop the weight down a little bit just because of how much my back had bothered me on Monday, I didn’t want to over do it. I think this was a good weight, as Jason said 4min was a good time to aim for and I it was only in the last two rounds that I broke up the deadlifts into 4 and 3.

The wallball shots on the other hand where not pretty as expected. Only getting 39 in 5 minutes isn’t great, but at least I put some effort into them. Several times I went down and my legs just wouldn’t go back up… and I just kind fell on my ass ;-P

But all and all, it was a good day at the gym… did I mention I got a muscle-up? ;-D

Back to the gym after a week off and it was not pretty…

To begin:

Perform slow and controlled back squats at a moderate weight that you can control. Hold positions and feel what is working. Perform sets of 5-7, these should be challenging


Ranbir’s Birthday Workout

With a 1 pood KB perform 4 rounds of:

  • 10 one handed swings w/ right hand
  • 5 clean and presses w/ right hand
  • 10 snatches right hand
  • 5 overhead lunges
  • 5 rows right hand
  • Repeat with left hand

1 round is when you’ve done both hands.


10, 9, 9, 6, 5 @ 185#

14:12 for 2 rounds of 4 rounds

So I didn’t finish this one. For not having been to the gym in a week, not sure what I did but my back was not a happy camper right from the start. Doing some KB swing for the warm was rough and the good morning stretches where also bad. It took me longer to do 2 rounds than most people took to do 4 rounds… and rather than tweak my back more I stopped after the 2nd round.

Muscle Up Technique Work

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

  • 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 10 Wall Ball Shot’s


13 rounds + 5 Pull-ups

So Jason finally convinced me to start attempting a muscle-up. I’ve never really attempted them yet since I’m not so good with the ring dips or the false grip. But my false grip is getting better and so are the dips… so I kept raising the rings up until I was actually attempting them… didn’t quite make them, but getting closer.

As for the metcon, chest-to-bar really suck… but I have to say, doing them on a taped bar is so much better for me (aside from the tear of the hand). I was actually able to hold onto the bar without any issues. I switched to a tapped bar towards the end when I was only getting 3 or so pull-ups on a normal bar even with chalk.


Lift Heavy Objects from the floor to a standing position….aka…Deadlift in sets of 3 for 5-7 work sets

4 Rounds of:

  • Max Ground to Overhead in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Max KB Swings in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 seconds


Deadlifts – 365# x3

Metcon – Started around 15 and ended around 8 @ 95# (Snatch) and 1.5 pood (KB)

The 365# for 3 reps on the deadlift is awesome because my max 1 rep was 375# back in June.  As for the metcon, not so hot… I realize I really need to work on controlling the way back down for the snatch. I had no problem getting it up there, but after a few reps I would have to let go of the bar and reset my grip. For the KB swings, its my grip… I dropped it a quite a few times :-/ I also need to work on the controlled down-swing for these, as that is what is stopping me from jumping up to the 2 pood. I can’t control it on the way down, get off balance, and end up tweaking my back.

WOD: Tabata Time

  • Tabata Push Ups
  • Tabata Sit Ups
  • Tabata Squat’s
  • Tabata Sprints for distance (these should be all out efforts)

Tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 cycles or 4 minutes. There is no rest between exercises.


  • 0 (or 7) – Push Ups
  • 7 – Sit Ups
  • 13 – Squats
  • No clue – Sprints

So my arm has been bothering me since the gymnastics class and push-ups didn’t go so well. My score was zero because I skipped a round while trying to massage it. Ugh.

Shoulder Press for a new 1 Rep Max! (keep your midline tight)

Get the Work Done!

  • 10 Box Jumps
  • 1 Push Up/ Dip on the Parallets
  • 9 Box Jumps
  • 2 Push Up/Dip on the Parallets
  • 1 Box Jump
  • 10 Push Up/Dip on the Parallets


140# (PR!)

Woot! 10# PR on the should press!! The metcon didn’t go so well, my shoulders/upper-chest are done. I really need to work on those push-ups. I also couldn’t get the swing back form the dip… I kept catching my foot and falling on my ass.

Next up… 10K Turkey Trot butt ass early in the morning when its will probably be in the 30s. Brrrr….


Power Snatch Practice

  • Max Snatches @ 95#’s in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Max Snatches @ 95#’s in 1 minute

Rest 1:30 seconds….opportunity to change the weights

  • Max Snatches @ 115#’s in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Max Snatches @ 115#’s in 1 minute

Rest 1:30 seconds…opportunity to change the weights

  • Max Snatches @ 135#’s in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Max Snatches @ 135#’s in 1 minute

Rest 1 minute

  • Max Deadlift’s for 2 minutes @ 135#’s or your final weight on the bar


13, 11 @ 95#

8, 8 @ 110#

8, 6 @ 125#

25 deadlifts @ 125#

My back was done by the time I got the deadlifts. The last few snatches where not so pretty. Probably should have started lighter, as I heard Jason babble something about 30 reps around the start of the 3rd set…. ya, no where close. But it was still good.