Workout of the Day


As a team of 3, complete the following:

  • 80 one arm snatches (35#/25#) – 1 person working
  • 30 Squats (135#) – all 3 on the same bar
  • 80 GHD Situps – 1 person working
  • 30 Burpees


My teammates: Maura & Melinda… And we did and awesome job!! But no idea what our time was.

I also did the mobility class with Melinda before the workout. I really need to start doing more of that mobility stuff.


  • Row 500 meter’s
  • Max reps Ground to Overhead @ 155#’s (something just a tad spicy)
  • Run 400 meter’s

Total time allowed for this workout is 10 minutes. Your score is your total reps of ground to overhead. I truly want to know how many you get…40 should be doable for sure.

Here’s the catch:

  • Leave too early for the run and you miss more reps
  • Leave too late for the run and you don’t make it back in time


  • Getting back with more than 20 seconds on the clock= immediate 20 burpees
  • Getting back with the clock past 10:20 minutes= immediate 20 burpees.

Goal= get back within 40 seconds of 10 minutes


22 @ 135#

No burpees, but almost… I wasn’t wearing my contacts or glasses so the clock is a little jumbled, but Jason was calling out the times. However, I apparently missed the 2min warning and it wasn’t until he call me out directly that I went. The real issue (why I only got 22) was that I was extremely light headed the entire class after finishing the warm-up (band work). Jaime made a good point when I was what time I last ate… that would have been lunch aside from the Monster I had in the after noon.

WOD: Body weight bananza!!!!

Max Rounds in 7 minutes of:

  • 7 Push Up’s
  • 10 Sit Up’s (anchored preferred for speed)

Immediately after, Max Rounds in 7 minutes of:

  • 4 Pull Ups
  • 8 Jumping Lunges


10 rounds,  11 rounds

Not to bad. Jason said to aim for 10 rounds, so I’m pretty happy.  Although I still need to work on my push-ups, they really do kinda suck. Also my kip is little off. Only having to do 4 pull-ups made it manageable, but doing more I get out of rhythm and have to restart.

And for those who hate math… that ended up being 70 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 44 pull-ups, and 88 lunges in 14min.


Intro Class Team WOD. Team of 3… AMRAP (can’t remember how long):

  • KB Swings x 300ish
  • Push-ups x 190ish
  • Run

Ass-kicker for gym members…Teams of 3:

  • Burpees
  • Sprints
  • Rest


So for the main WOD, our team got 300-ish KB swings and 190-ish push-ups. I have to stop trying to use the 2 pood KB. I only got about 3 swings before I dropped back to 1.5 pood. I just can’t control it on the way down, it always pulls me forward. Between that and the deadlifts the other day, my back was pretty much done and I started really having issue the last round I could hardly deadlift the KB and walked most of the run.

Since this was an intro class, for us gym members he had us do a little ass-kicker of burpees and sprints to finish off.


Deadlifting Heavy but concentrating big time on our set up and maintaining proper technique

5 Rounds for time of:

  • 10 Deadlift’s @ 225#’s (Pull)
  • 5 Hand Stand Push Up’s (Push)
  • 10 Ring Row’s (Pull)


315# x 2-3 reps, 365# x 1rep
10:45 @ 185#

So for the deadlifts I thought we where suppose to go for 1 rep max, but actually they wanted us doing multiples. So I dropped from 365# back down to 315# was doing 2-3 reps. For the met-con, I scaled way down. Probably could have done 205#, but the ring rows are what got to me. So its probably good that I did what I did.


Do each item fight gone bad style. Max reps in one minute on each station with a one minute rest in between rounds.

Repeat for a total of three rounds:

  • Pull ups
  • Sit ups
  • Power snatch at 75 pounds
  • Rowing
  • Sumo deadlift high pull 95 pounds


72/60/54 = 186

Ok, so I really kinda sucked at this one. I started with the rowing. The Sumo after the rowing really sucked and I barely  made any progress during that minute. The pull ups also weren’t pretty either, really need to start working on these again. It wasn’t until I got the situp and snatch that I made up some reps.

Shoulder Press

(always rest at the top not on your shoulders in between reps, this is much easier)

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

  • 20 walking Lunges w/ 45# plate overhead
  • 10 push ups alternating arms on the plate
  • 5 full squat clean and jerks with the plate

5 rounds + 29

So, really didn’t improve on my shoulder press… as I think 125# was what I did the last time we did heavy shoulder press. Oh well. As for the met-con, the push-ups sucked but it was the lunges are what did me in.  I swear I have all kinds of crazy little things that get in my way… for the lunges its my toes. When I take a really wide lunge, my toes on the back foot cramp up and I can’t push myself back up. So I end up taking shorter steps which are less stable and cause their own issue. Ugh. Something else to work on I guess.

Overhead Squat something heavy (relative to each person obviously)

4 Rounds for Time:

  • 20 Back Squats @ 135
  • 10 30″ Box Jumps ( you can use your hands)
  • 50 Double Unders (sub 50 singles if absolutely necessary just keep moving)

13:49 @ 115#, single+double

Pretty happy with the overhead squats, last time I did them back in June for a 1 rep max I only got to 140#.  Although my wrists are so happy with them ;-P As for the metcon, dropping down to 115# was a good. Enough that I couldn’t power straight thru all 20, but didn’t have to re-rack the bar either. Just paused a few (ok, maybe more than a few) times. For the double unders, I ended up doing 25 single and 25 doubles because I can’t get more than one double under at a time. I have to go single, double, single, double, etc… But I did do the 30″ box!

3 rounds for time of:

  • Run 400 meters
  • 10 full cleans at 135 ( those new to CF can use a med ball)
  • 20 push ups


16:13 Rx

The 135# was rough, not so much the cleans but rather the squat. My legs are still burning from earlier in the week.


Clean & Jerks … again…

This makes the 4th time I’ve done cleans this week… if my legs where toasted before, now they are charbroiled ;-P But it was a good class. Billy talk a bit about what he’s doing in Vegas and then we worked out… with him. It was great to see him do the lifts. He and Ian are so fast, its crazy. Got some good tips from the session even though I didn’t PR. I was working on the squat clean for which the technique is sticking point… but I’m getting better. I got 195#  but failed at 205# (my current PR using power clean).

Find a new full clean 1 rep Max

10 Rounds or 10 minutes whichever comes first.

  • 10 Box Jumps 24″
  • 10 Wall Ball Shots


For the cleans, since I had just done clean & jerk yesterday… I decided to just work on my full clean technique because that is what is holding me back. I can power clean more than I can full clean when it should be the other way around. So me another guy just worked on getting under the bar in a full squat at 135# mainly. I tried 185#, but failed twice.

Metcon – 10:40

It was probably more like 10:30… As I was 1/2 around short of completing all ten rounds when we hit the 10min mark and he said done. It was after I laid down that he said you can keep going if you want… so I got back up and finished the wall ball shots.