Workout of the Day


  • 50 Glute Ham Raises…slow and controlled (as usual warm up plenty before this)
  • rest
  • 50 Deadlift’s at 225#’s in as few sets as possible. Seriously there are several of you who should get it in 1 set. If you are not doing it RxD shoot for around 2-3 sets….this should be hard!!!!!!!
  • rest
  • 50 Calorie row for time….should take about 3 minutes max
  • rest
  • 400 meter sprint

These should each be approached as separate events…all out efforts.


Since we had such a large class and most of us had never done a Glute Ham Raise before, Billy had us just do 25 of them  partnered on the floor. They where pretty darn hard if you worked for it.

The way the workout worked was, there was running clock and at every 5min mark you moved to the next exercises. So if you finished the deadlifts in 2min, you get3min of rest. Here is what I did:

  • 50 Deadlifts @ 185# – 3:30k
  • 400m Sprint –  1:46
  • 35 Burpees – 3:31

There were not enough rowers for the size of the class, so the sub was 35 burpees… which after the upper body burner yesterday… kinda sucked.


Since it was Billy’s last official oly class, he had us do a mock olympic lifting competition. We each had 10min to find our match Snatch and then 10min to find our max C&J.

  • Snatch –  145#
  • C&J –  205# (PR)

So for the snatch, that was my previous max. I tried 165# a few times, but didn’t quite get it and had some great bail outs ;-P For the Clean & Jerk, I was doing split jerks and it was  new PR for me. Previously I had hit 195#, but was not doing split jerk since I wasn’t comfortable with it. I got several complements on my split jerk (including Billy) this time around, so I must be getting better. He says the only thing I need to work on is letting that bar sit more on my shoulders and then I’ll be able to do a lot more.

Billy’s Going Away Party:

Since Billy is heading off to Vegas to pursue the dream of Olympic lifting, the gym hosted a going away party after the oly class. It was fun. I got my butt kicked in Foosball by Jojo… just couldn’t complete with the sounds or the kick ;-P

I was good… stuck to munching on Paleo stuff and didn’t have any beer. The first week trying to get back on Paleo is the hardest, so I didn’t want to indulge at all.

Repeat for 4 rounds

  • 30 Push Ups
  • 20 Ring Dips
  • 10 HSPU’s
  • 1 Prowler Push


So I was subbing everything but the prowler push by the end, which was the case with almost everyone. Push did 2 round normal, then 2 assisted with bands. Ring dips went right to the band assisted. HSPU where done 2 round off a box, and then just piked from the floor. This was pretty rough, as somebody else said… its kinda sucks when you can’t even lift you body off the ground for a push even with the bands!

I have to say, I was pretty well done by then. Actually after round 3 I was pretty well done.

Push Press your body weight 30 times for time.

then max rounds in 10 Minutes:

  • 5 Hang Power Snatch @ 115#’s
  • 10 Push Ups with a release at the bottom

2:27 @ 115#
9 rounds @ 95#

So ya… nobody did body weight that I know of. There was no way I was gonna push press 190 some pounds. 195# is my max push jerk. I probably could have gone a little heavier, but it would have taken me quite a bit longer. Anyone that tried to start closer to body weight very quickly started stripping weights off to finish.

For the metcon, my main issue was gripping the bar. Between sweating and my suck ass grip, I almost jumped the bar out of my hands a few times on the last 1-2 snatches in a round. I did the snatches unbroken until the last two rounds when I just couldn’t hold the bar beyond 3 reps. But I think I did good.

5 Rounds:

  • 10 2 pood KB Swings
  • 10 Pull Ups

7:14 @ 1.5 pood
Ass Kicker: 2000m team row = 250m x2 per person

So there weren’t enough 2 pood kbs, so I happily used the 1.5 pood instead which turned out to be a good weight for the workout for me. Every time I try 2 poods, I get a few swing and then I’m done.

The workout it self was a quick little burner, but what did me in was the rowing sprints afterwards…. I was wrecked after these and sat around for almost 1/2 hour recovering. But our team did finish first. I was the last one to row, so of course it was all out… I think I was around or under 1:30 (500m pace) for most of it.

Mystery WOD:

Announced on the spot…Team WOD:

100 Clean & Jerks for time (135#)

As a pair complete the C&J, however, only 1 person may be working while the other is doing a prowler push… then switch.


Team red… 14:31
Ben @115# & Azad @75#


We worked some sort of press, I can’t remember the name (think it started with a “Z”)… but it is basically a behind the neck press with snatch grip from the squat position. For this I got only 65#, its really hard to get it off the shoulders at the bottom of the squat without raising up out of the squat. We also practiced some close grip overhead squats and closed feet overhead squats with really light weights. I was able to do overhead squat with my hands touching using a 45# bar. Not too bad.

Next we moved onto heavy Power Snatch. I found that a good working weight for me is 135#, failed at 155#, but then I did get 145#.  Even though it wasn’t pretty,  I’m pretty sure that’s a PR as I think 135# was my previous.

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 7 Push Up’s
  • 10 Box Jump’s

Every other minute sprint 200 meter’s.

11 rounds

I don’t know what it was, but something hit me really hard during this workout and I was done afterwards. I sat in the parking lot drinking water and my protein shake for a good 15min or so I think. We did finish up with an all out sprint after the 20min as well.

Here’s a pic from the site of me hit the box jumps (which I actually was able to crank out pretty well, except when right after the run):

Box Jumps

Box Jumps

Back Squat
5 @ 75% of your 1RM
3 @ 80% of your 1RM
1+ @ 85% of your 1RM.

Row/Run 500 meter
3 rounds for time of:

  • 7 Full cleans @ 135
  • 10 Burpees over the bar

Finish with a 500 meter row/run


So Billy kinda forgot about the backsquat during class and then I forgot to do it between CF and Oly class. Oh well. This one took me a while and the worst part was that I jammed the bar into my throat early on which made breathing a pain for rest of the workout. But I finished. I did end up running the 500m bookends.


We worked on some jerk doubles (2,2,2,2,2) and then pulls for the clean. I got up to 195# for the jerks, my max clean & jerk was 195#. The pulls were basically taking bar from the round to the shrug of the clean, without doing the catch. I was working with JoJo and I think we got up to about 275#.

Practice the Hand Stand Push Up

4 rounds of:

  • Perform as many Power Clean and Jerk’s at 135#’s as possible 1 minute
  • Rest 30 second’s
  • Perform as many Push Up’s as you can in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 second’s

4/27, 1/21, 2/19, 1, 23 = 8/90 = 98

I averaged about 6 cleans per round, not so many jerks. Still have issues with the front rack, especially when it comes to having to come out of it for the jerk.

Front Squat’s:  1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Perform 100 thruster’s @ 95#’s for time
*Every minute on the minute perform 3 Pull Up’s until you have accomplished 100 thruster’s.



16:44 @ 75# (x74), 64#

The weight for the thruster was not the problem,  my form was deathgrip style but the weight was pretty light. The problem was that I was too far from the pull-up bars. I was in the other room and it was a huge class, by the time I’d get to the bars and find a spot and then get back to the barbell I only had 10-20s work per minute. I know excuses, excuses… but once everyone else finished and I moved into the other room (dropping to 65# since I couldn’t find a 75# over there) I was crankin the thrusters out and it only took me 2 more rounds.

Oh, and I should have tried the front squat again… I tried 285# but dropped it. 275# is my previous PR.

Max Power Clean
215# PR … it was really close to being a squat clean, but I don’t think it was. I actually have a harder time with squat cleans since I’m not comfortable catching in the squat position.