Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press

5 Rounds for time of:

  • 10 Push Press (from the floor at 135#’s)
  • 20 Box Jumps

8:55 @ 95#, 24″

Did much better today compared to yesterday. While I did opt to scale the weight for the rounds, I was pretty happy that I went with the tall box (24″) and was able to keep up the pace (with Andy, even though he was doing Rx weight). In the past I couldn’t get into a rhythm on the tall box. I do have to say that the 2nd round of push press was A LOT harder after those box jumps.

Tabata Sit Up’s (rest at a 1/2 sit up of course)

4 rounds of:

  • Perform 30 1.5pood KB swings in 1 minute
  • Rest 1 minute

Penalties….if you don’t get all of your KB’s done in 1 minute you must perform double the amount that you missed in burpees during your “rest” minute. If you do not complete your KB’s and can not get your Burpees completed by the time your next minute hits….you have to run a mile (at the end).


24, 11, -, 15
400m run

I think the all the playa dust finally caught up with me, as I had a hell of a time breathing which really really sucked. That’s why I took basically an entire round off. Needless to say, I was the one that didn’t finish the KB and burpees so I had to run. However, Billy gave the class an option to have 3 folks run with me to cover the mile so we each only needed to do 400m… so the ENTIRE class came with me. I love the CrossFit community!

Hang Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1

Max rounds in 20 minutes of:

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 5 HSPU’s
  • 5 Full Squat Snatch @ 135#’s

7+12 (sub)

Checked out CrossFit Mountain View for this WOD, reminds me a lot of Jason’s first box… very intimate ;-) especially when there is only two of us in the class.


70m sprint x10

then… 21-15-9:

  • KB Swings (1.5 pood)
  • 20″ Box Jumps


3:55 Rx

The sprints were rough, not to mention I thought my five-fingers where going melt off my feet. It was pretty damn hot today. But I was pretty happy with myself for the metcon going Rx. I was tempted by the 1 pood, but stuck with 1.5 pood and got them all unbroken! For the box jumps, I was sharing box which really slowed me down. Not waiting on the other person, just that I can’t get into a rhythm. On the last 9 I had my own box (since others had finished) , they hardly took me any time and I did them unbroken (but it was only 9).

Also found out that one of the guys from the noon class works for eBay as we both ended up back at my office gym to shower before heading back to work.

Back Squat 5 reps at 75% of 90% of your 1 Rep Max, 5 Reps at your 80% of your 90% 1RM, and finally finish with 5 plus as many reps as possible at 85% of your 90% 1 Rep Max and then keep going to get as many reps as possible.

Perform Max Wall Ball Shot’s in 7 Minutes… the catch, for every time that ANYONE drop the ball (you can hold it) the entire class must perform 1 burpee.

185#-205#-225# (15 reps)
115 + 1 burpee

So nobody dropped the med-ball during the workout, but rather somebody decided they wanted to do a burpee and with 3s left they dropped it so we all had to do 1 burpee. Oddly it wasn’t my legs which got tired during the wallballs, but rather my shoulders. However, let me just say that the stairs after this workout where fun ;-P

Weighted Ring Dips (Use dumbbells or vest)

Max Rounds in 10 minutes of:

  • Run 200 meters
  • 10 Push Press @ 135#’s
  • 10 Deadlift’s @ 135#’s

Immediately after, 3 (up & back) prowler pushes.


5 @ 25# db pp, 135# dead

90# prowler, 235# sled, 190# sled

So I hurt my wrist doing the cleans on Monday, but decided to still give the gym a go. Didn’t do much on the ring dips because of this, and also used 25# dumbbells for the push press. The ass-kicker was crazy though… I did one prowler push and decided that bothered my wrist to much, so I grabbed the sled and ran. It was HELLA hard and then I realized why… they weren’t just 45# plates on there… no, as you can see above, one of them (in the middle) was a 100# plate!! So my frist go was 235# before somebody else took a 45 since they wanted to try, making my second one only 190# (aka about my body weight). Crazy.


Full (squat) Clean and Jerk – go for max load….  135# tech

So I debated on whether to do the class or not due to my wrist, however, Billy said give it a go and see what I can do. So I did… and man I am I glad I did. Ok so I didn’t go for max load, but rather worked on technique after Billy pull me aside and gave me a few pointers. In fact, I think I actually got a proper front rack position for the first time!

He pointed out that I was pulling my shoulders back, which means there is no place for the bar to rest and it ends up on check rather than the shoulders. He said to thing about reaching forward with my elbows rather than trying to pull hands back to my shoulders. This made a big difference. Granted I still have some flexibility issues to work on, I felt much better with the positioning for the jerk. He also had me work on readjusting my grip after the clean to get my hands back on the bar by using a little pop.

I only went up to 135# because I didn’t want to tweak my wrist more, but feel like I really got a lot of this session. I gotta start making it to the Monday sessions as well.

In 15 minutes:

  • Every minute on the minute perform 2 Power Cleans at 205# (could be squat if necessary).
  • For the rest of the minute perform max double unders.

135 @ 135#

So I f***ed my right wrist right at the start  (meaning during warm-up sets for the cleans) which really really sucked. For about the last half of the workout, I was completely letting go of the bar at the top and it was just sitting on my shoulders… at least on the right side, my left had was fine.

I unfortunately didn’t get high of score, however, I opted to stick with the double-unders attempts rather than sub push-up/squats since I really want to get them. I was good practice and I did get a few of them strung together, but I am still using the incorrect hop method to do so. Oh and I do have to say, I’ve been pretty good about not getting myself with the new Rogue jump rope I have… but when it does get you, it gets you good and it HELLA hurts. No pain, no gain right? ;-D


“Fran”… 21-15-9

  • Thrusters (95#)
  • Pull ups

And then…
Deadlift your body weight for max reps…ONE SET.

13 @ 185#

So I was debating on going Rx or dropping down to 75#, decided to stick with the 95#… probably shouldn’t. My thruster technique still isn’t up to par to get the more than few in a row at that weight. Oh well, one of these days I will learn to scale properly ;-P