Workout of the Day

5 Rounds

  • 1 Prowler push (there and back)
  • 7 Clean and Jerk’s 135#’s
  • 20 Box Jumps

23:08 @ 115#

So my biggest issue for this workout was breathing, apparently I am not quite over whatever I had a while back. Oh, and the prowler pushes… four 45# plates isn’t that bad… FIVE 45# plates SUCKS and I had that one my last two rounds. It wasn’t until after I finished that I realized that it had more plates, I just thought I was getting really really tired.

Team WOD:

3 Rounds for time of…

  • Tire flip, down and back
  • OH barbell walk (#95), down and back each team member
  • Walking lunges
  • 40 Wallballs
  • 40 Deadlifts (#155)


I actually really liked this one, much better than last week. And I didn’t do to bad after a week off. My wrists are feeling much better this week. Now I just need to get back on track with my eating :-/

Cleans 3-3-3-3-3
Perform 3 cleans consecutively. On the third rep, perform a clean and jerk.

“Grace” – 30 clean and jerks for time.

95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 175# (jerk failed x2)

Grace… 4:16 @ 115#

As an added kicker, run 400m for time… 1:49 (- phone call)

So I was on-call this week and got somebody to cover me so I go do Grace, however, I need to resume the on-call at 5:30 and the class ran late. The my co-worker was transferring the on-call back to me during the run and called me to confirm it worked about 1/2 thru… ugh. Oh well, at least it wasn’t somebody calling for an issue. The call was 13s, so I figure my run time as probably 15-20s less than what I clocked in at ;-)

As for Grace… I did scale which was a good thing and I did improve, although the last time I did Grace was some time ago. It was back in May ’09 and my time was 6:59 also at 115#.


Five rounds for time of:

  • 155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
  • 155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
  • 155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps


20:25 @ 135#

As usual my wrists where the week point and the last few rounds I was only doing 2-3 jerks at a time. I also had an interesting talk with Rick, as it is the top side of my wrist which were the most strained. Neither of us could figure out what I was doing to cause that, as you would think it was the underside which was getting stretched.

I did try the hook grip which REALLY saved my forearms. Granted my thumbs where a little sore, but my forearms where fine which was great!

Double header today… WOD + Olympic Lifting

Round 1 – WOD: JoJo’s Birthday Workout
(5:30pm class)

5 rounds of:

  • 10 OHS 95#/65#
  • 10 burpees over the bar
  • 10 HSPUs
  • 20 DUs


29:02, sub 75# and piked pushups

This one was pretty harsh on my wrists. I got to work on my doubleunders with my new jump rope I bought from Rogue Fitness down at the games… But I am  still not getting them very well and the got the lash marks to show for it.  I talked to JoJo after and he said he put overhead squats in there because he sucks at them and the rest was just stuff he liked. For me it was the opposite, I think the overheads took the least amount of time… granted I was scaled down to 75#.

Round 2: Olympic Lifting Class
(7:30pm class)

So I’ve been wanting to try this and just never got around to do it. I was hoping to make it over the gym during the day to do the WOD, but that didn’t happen so I hit up the 5:30, rested for about an hour at the gym, and then hit up the oly class. Was a little concerned about doing the two classed so close, but it all worked out since the oly class is mainly technique.  I really enjoyed it.

  • Press from behind the neck: 3/3/3/3/3 … 105#
  • Push press from behind the neck: 3/3/3/3/3 … 145#
  • 1 1/4 squat: 3/3/3/3/3  … 165#


  • 35 Box Jumps 24″
  • 25 Push Ups
  • 15 Knees to Elbows
  • 5 Deadlift’s @ 275

Perform the above sequence for time. Rest 1:30 and repeat for a total of 4 times.


4:55, 11:46, 19:44, 26:41

I really liked this workout. Even though it took me quite a while, I felt like I got a good workout unlike the other day with the bear complex. It was a good mix of met-con and a little heavy weight tossed in there. And I did it Rx too!

Had a great time at the CrossFit Games. Lots of amazing athletes and supporters. We had quite the gang from CFSC there, and if anyone watched the live feed I’m sure you could hear us ;-) Definitely a motivating weekend to work harder at getting back in shape and cleaning up my eating. Got back from the games around 2:30 pm and was off to the gym at 3:30 pm…


AMRAP in 4 min:

  • 3 cycles of the “bear complex”
  • 20 yd sprint
  • 5 burpees
  • 20 yd sprint

Rest 1 min and

repeat for total of 3 rounds.


1 round +1 cycle , 1 round + 2 cycles, 1 round + 1 cycle @ 95#

This was not a good workout for me, in spite of being hyped of from the games… I just could not get the from the front squat to the jerk. I did do good at actually doing a squat clean, but would loose all most all my fingers on the bar and not able to jerk it. I probably did the clean and squat upwards of 7 times per round. Ugh.

Think I need to get my “suck” list going again and start working on somethings. The “bear complex” is something I should work at, as it does entail a few things I need improvement on: squat clean/front squat into the jerk and grip endurance.I did buy a new jump rope down at the games so I can start working on doubleunders which is another thing which needs to be on my suck list.

…. oh and part of the warm-up was burpees and jumping over a “wall” made of boxes and plates, this is temporary until he gets the walls build and the rope put up ;-)

Max Rounds in 15 minutes of:

20 Push Ups
15 SDHP’s @ 95#’s
2 Prowler Pushes (1 is 1 way)

4 rounds + 20 push-ups

At first glance this doesn’t look that bad… but it was one hell of a workout. Especially after having done the thrusters yesterday.  I did do Rx for the SDHP in spite of this. For me the push-ups where pretty rough, my arms and shoulders where just dead. For the prowler pushes, since there where only 5… they were all loaded up differently and they said that we could team up as long as we kept moving. Let me just say… pushing one with 180# on it by yourself is ALOT harder than with two people, I did this for 1 round and it sucked. The rest of the round I had a partner for the push.

It was a good workout as usual, but I think I’m done for the week now ;-) I don’t think my legs could handle another day.

Back Squat:


The goal here is to warm up. Find a weight that is extremely challenging for 15 reps in a row. After you have completed this, rest and add 10 lbs for your set of 12. Continue this until you are finished with all 4 sets or fail on an attempt at the reps. Go Heavy

Perform 100 Thruster’s for time @ 95#’s … Every minute on the minute perform 2 burpees

17:32 @ 65#

For the first day back after a week off… it wasn’t tooooo bad. But did I mention I hate thruster? I started off with #75, did 1 minute and then took off the 5# plates. There were lots of other folks that started at 75# and ended up with only the bar. My legs are dead, my wrist are dead… its good to be back ;-p