Workout of the Day

WOD: “The Filthy Fifty”

50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders


So I was planning on taking a rest day (not having looked at the WOD yet), until Joan posted a comment on my Facebook page about the the Filthy Fifty. As I told her, its kind of a love-hate relationship. Its a great workout and I love doing it… except while hating it when doing it ;-D

So, of course I had to come into the gym for it.

I PRed by more than 5 minutes this time! The last time I did this workout back in March I got 41:39 for my time.


Work technique on something you suck at for 10-20 minutes.

3 rounds for time:

  • Run 400 meters
  • 21 KB swings (1.5 pood)
  • 12 Pull Ups

Double-unders & handstands
14:33 (Rx)

I’ve kinda got double-unders, at least better than I use to in the past… but not by doing them “properly”. I do a really big hop and bend my knees, which you’re not suppose to do. Just a bigger bounce and faster rope, so that was was I was working on. And the handstands where just for fun because everyone else was trying them too ;-)

As for Helen, she whooped my ass… I broke things up into set (6+6, 10+11, 4+4+4,  7+7+7, etc…) and didn’t do anything unbroken, but it got me through the workout. I was worried about the KB swings as those bothered my back last week, but I was ok today. I was tempted by the 1 pood, but glad I stuck with the Rx weight.

Go for a 1 rep max height box jump

15-12-9-9-12-15 of:

  • Front Squat 135#’s
  • Pull Ups

3 1/2 feet … no bad.  Couldn’t quite get the next plate, got my toes on it, but not on top of it.

17:24 @ 105# … as usual, my front squats sucked ass and I didn’t get an rounds unbroken. But I think it was good weight for me and I got good workout.

Split Jerk Technique, go moderately heavy

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

  • 5 Ring Dips (sub if you need to)
  • 10 Knees to Elbows
  • 5 Burpees

Immediately after choose one of the following to perform with a partner:

You rest while your partner goes.
A) Prowler pushes to the end of the parking lot and back
B) Row 200 meters
C) Sled drags
D) 200 meter sprints
Each person goes 4 times.


95# for the split jerk (+1 @ 135#)

7 round + 5 K2E

Prowler, only 3 rounds … my right leg got the best of me and was really bothering me after the first 2 rounds, so I bailed on the last round :-(

WOD: Rick’s Birthday Workout

5 Rounds for time of:

  • Run 200 meters
  • 6 Thrusters @ 115#’s
  • 24 KB swings


26:42 @ 95#, 1.5 pood for 2 rounds & 1 pood for the last three rounds

This just was not a pretty workout all around for me :-/ I just flat out suck at thrusters and ended up death gripping it for the last few rounds, as it took too long to try to reset it on my shoulders and I would keep losing my grip. I was using a light enough weight, that I could get away with that. As for the KB swings, I think my back was still a little tweaked from the 2 pood I tried earlier in the week. But I kept going (after a few short breaks) and (eventually) finished!


“Fight Gone Badish Group Style”
Complete each movement for the duration of time it takes your team mate to row 300 meters.

“The Cycle”

  • Wall Ball Shots (each rep is 1 point)
  • Push Press @ 95/65#’s (each rep is 1 point)
  • Lunge with a 45/25# plate over your head (each L/r leg is 1 point)
  • Hang Power Clean @ 95/65#’s (each rep is 1 point)

At the end of every cycle rest for 1 minute and repeat for 4 rounds. Goal is to get as many points and rounds as possible. The row must be completed under 1:20 for each person for the points for that round to count. Each team consists of 5 people.

My points – 64/60/54/59

I don’t think anyone else on my team kept count, so we didn’t get a team score. But it was good workout as I would expect for anything “Fight Gone Bad”-ish ;-)

On a random side grip… the new wallballs. They look pretty, are solid, and round… but they are off balance and roll! I kept dropping it because it would roll off my hands after I caught it.  I guess it helps keep you on your toes, but its a pain. Or maybe I’m just not coordinated enough ;-p

Find your 1 Rep Max Deadlift

5 Rounds for time of:

  • 20 Double Unders
  • 15 Pull Ups
  • 10 2 pood KB Swings

375# PR
21:28 @ 1.5 pood

So funny thing with the deadlift… my previous PR was 365# and the last time I was only able to get up to 345# (failed at 355#). So I loaded up the bar with 365# and then added 1/2# plates and got a new PR of 366# ;-D Everyone thought it was pretty classic. But then I went and swapped the 1/2# for 5# and got 375#… Woo Hoo!

As for the metcon… it sucked. The double under attempts took me forever and I attempted the 2 pood KB which was a bad idea. Recently KB swings have been bothering my back and that didn’t help. I actually stopped and laid on the floor twice during the workout. They said it should have been a sub 10min workout…. ya not so much for me. But I finished.

Team WOD:

5 Rounds of:

  • 3 Snatches – 95#/65#
  • 15 KB Swings – 1.5/1 pood

5 Rounds of:

  • 12 Boxjumps – 24″
  • 8 Deadlifts – 215#/135#
  • 4 Knees-2-Elbows

5 Rounds of:

  • 3 Snatches – 95#/65#
  • 15 KB Swings – 1.5/1 pood

Three person teams. Only two people can be working at once and you can only have 1 piece of equipment per exercise (i.e. only 1 KB so you can’t have 2 people doing KB swings at the same time). You must complete all reps in set (5 rounds) before moving to the next, but you can do them in any order.


As usual the team workout was pretty fun.  It was a good way to start of a Sunday.

Bent over Rows

Then Thruster ladder:

  • Complete 1 Thruster @ 115#’s the first minute
  • Complete 2 Thrusters @ 115#’s the second minute
  • Continue this process until you can no longer make it in the 1 minute time frame…


6+4 @ 95#

Once again my front squat technique did me in… I was hoping to make it through round 7, but didn’t quite make it. I have to say, this really wasn’t that great of a workout for me because I only made it a few minutes. They actually followed up with 100m row sprints, but I had already chugged half my protein shake and needed to head out for the SJ Bike Part (http://www.sjbikeparty.org/) event.

Bench Press

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

  • 10 Jumping Pull Ups (wrist at the height of the bar)
  • 15 Push Ups
  • 20 Box Jumps 20″

5 + 10 pullups & 12 pushups

I was debating on doing the back squats again instead of the bench press, but I must have done something to my back yesterday as during KB swings in the warm up it started bothering me. So I decided, better save than sorry and went with the bench press…. and was outside… Sun’s out Guns out as Jason said ;-)

As for the met-con, I actually liked this one… aside from having to do pushups after the bench press, it went pretty well. With the shorter box I am able to get into a rhythm and go pretty quickly. Same with the pullups. But those pushups…. ugh. It was like 1,2,3,4,5,..6,7,……8,……..9,….. etc……………… But I eventually made it through them.