Workout of the Day

1 Hang Power Snatch and one Full Snatch every minute for 10 minutes at a moderate load

Quick Burner – 4 Rounds for Time of:

  • 25 SDHP’s @ 95#’s
  • 25 Sit Ups


95# for the snatch work


The snatch work was good. I feel like I got a bit better at catching deeper in the squat which I am still not so good at. Power snatch, no problem… full snatch, not so pretty. But its getting there.

As for the met-con… they said 6min is a good time and it should only be a 10min workout. As you can see I missed the bar by a bit. I was thinking about going lighter than the 95#, but all the smaller plates were in use so I stuck with the Rx weight. I was definitely done by the time I finished ;-) And I’m getting better at the situps!


For Time:

  • 2 50 meter tire flip (up and back is one)
  • 4 Prowler Pushes (up and back is one) @ 95#’s
  • 6 Stair assents (up and down is one)
  • 8 50 meter sprints (up and back is one)
  • 10 Shoulder Press @ 95#’s
  • 20 Push Press @ 95#’s
  • 30 Push Jerk’s @ 95#’s
  • 40 KB Swings 1.5 pood
  • 50 Burpees

Done is any order, broken up any way you want… except you MUST finish with the 50 burpees.


Jason called this one a “jem”, and it sure was. He did modified the workout to only have 1 prowler push instead of the original 4, as I guess it was a bit much for folks. I started with the KB swings and the only thing I broke up was the push jerks. Here is my workout:

  • 40 KB Swings 1.5 pood
  • 10 Shoulder Press @ 95#’s
  • 8 50 meter sprints (up is one)
  • 6 Stair assents (up and down is one)
  • 20 Push Press @ 95#’s
  • 10 Push Jerk’s @ 95#’s
  • 1 Prowler Pushes @ 95#’s
  • 20 Push Jerk’s @ 95#’s
  • 2 50 meter tire flip
  • 50 Burpees

The push jerk took quite a while as I was only doing sets of 5 at a time and the other one that hit me hard was the sprints. These were actual sprints and not jogs.  Oh, and the burpees at the end sucked!! It definitely was quite the workout and a long one compared to the past few 10min type workouts we had recently… but it was good workout.

WOW: (Workout of the week)
Find your 1 Rep Max Back Squat

10 Round for time of:

  • 3 Muscle Ups
  • 3 Clean and Jerk’s at 135#’s

If you can not complete a Muscle Up, please sub with 1 Pull Up and 1 Ring dip (your sub) per Muscle up.

11:44 @ 115# w/ MU subs (maybe 11 rounds)

Ok, so I’m happy with the back squat as 295# was my PR last time…. but pissed that I didn’t add even just 5 more pounds, or even 10 … grrrrr. Ran out of time. Since I still feel like I’m just getting back into stuff, I didn’t think I would even hit my old PR so I started way way way to light. I think I might try to hit these up again later in the week to see if I can get of 300#. But hey, I got a picture on the site:

The metcon, I actually felt like this was good one for me. I went with a little lighter weight since I usually tend to overestimate my ability for these things and not scale correctly resulting in a taking a really really long time. I did use the muscle up subs, as I’ve yet actually attempt a muscle up. I did do the ring dips without any bands, however, by the end they were not so hot and don’t think I got full extensions on a few :-(

I also think I might have done 11 rounds…  as I thought I was on round 9, but Lee (who was at the same pace) said we where only on 8. So I went with that… better to do too much than skip out on some ;-)

Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

  • 20 Sit Ups
  • 10 KB swings 1.5 pood
  • 5 Burpees

75-95,  115-125-135-140(f)-140

5 rounds + 5 situps

Wish I had a few more minutes for the overheads, I took a little too long to warm up apparently so some of the warmup sets became working sets just because of time. As for the metcon I did much better with the situps this time, but still not very fast at them.

Thruster technique for about 15 minutes.

Short Met Con (we’ve been going long lately):

  • Thruster @ 95#’s
  • Box Jump @ 30″

95# tech

11:38 @ 85#

This was a good day for me technique wise, as I really really suck at thrusters because of my issues with the front squat rack position. I’m getting better with letting it sit on my shoulders, but still not good. For a front squat I’m fine, but not for a thruster. My end fingers tend to slip off the bar which isn’t bad if its my pinky, but when its the the end two fingers then I’m a little unstable at the top.

I started out doing a nice little pink flip, where it would come off the bar for the squat part and then I’d readjust the grip during the overhead. But couldn’t keep that up… and by the end of it I was using a really really narrow grip which but my hands between the bar and my shoulders. It was the only way I could keep all my fingers on the bar to do multiple thrusters at a time. Since the it was a lower weight it was “ok”, but definitely not something I should be doing.

10 minute Squat Clean and Jerk 1 every minute for the 10 minutes

For time… perform 3 rounds of:

  • 5 Power Cleans @ 135
  • 10 Back Squat’s @ 135
  • 15 Deadlifts @ 135

Rest 2min, then repeat another 3 rounds.


18:54 @ 115#

A bit back intensive. I think 115# was good weight for me, even though my back was killing me by the end.

I like this 10 min C&J routine since it really gives me a chance to workout on that front squat catch position. That’s always been a weak point of mine, not being able to get the bar to rest on my shoulders. But I’m getting better at it. The first time we did this a few weeks back I only did 95#, as wanted to be more technique than strength… this time I upped it to 115# which again is light from the strength side but good for the technique which I need more.

As for the metcon… I stuck with the 115# and did good up to the 2nd round of deadlifts and that is when I started to slow up. By the end of it was doing only 2-3 deadlifts at time usually. I, and most everyone else, it the rollers afterward. And rolling out my back after the work was that “hurts so good” feeling ;-)

Partner WOD:

Max points in 10 min:

  • Wallball tire shots (1 per person, 2 points)
  • 5 overhead squats
  • 5 dumbbell thrusters
  • 5 slamballs
  • Completing 1 circuit = 1 point

The catch…. you have to carry the wallball with you and it can’t touch the ground, hence only 1 partner can be working at a time.

Halftime: 2 attempts at a “free throw” wallball shots per person (1 point)

Repeat the 10min. This time both partners can work at the same time, but you must leave a station together.


11,2,5 = 18 points total

Not so great considering sever others got 30+. We kinda got screwed the 2nd round and keep hitting bottle neck… like no bars for overhead, no dumbbells available, etc… But it was still a great workout, a lot of fun, and it was nice to be outside.

Between the mountain biking yesterday and this,  my legs where done.

Go for a 1 rep max box jump (please be careful here)

Then 3 rounds for reps:

  • Max clean and jerk’s at 135#’s in 2 minutes (30 is a good goal).
  • 30s hold in squat position


24″ + 4 45#
33 total reps (~11 per round) @ 95#

Ok, so the box jumps was kinda fun. I’m not sure exactly how thick the 45# plates are, so I don’t have an exact number to log. It was interesting to see how many people physicked out themselves. I hear the record of the day was 8 plates!! That’s just crazy!!!

As for the C&J… I decided to go with a lower weight since I’ve been having issue with my wrist as well as my back a bit in the hope to do higher reps… well that didn’t happen, so I probably should have gone with a higher weight. I tore my had a bit yesterday during the pullups and it was still kinda tender today so I kept dropping the bar. It was still a good workout, and I was concentrating on trying to get the bard to rest on my shoulders which I tend to have issues with. I have to say, I’m not sure how folks do it… when I do get it to rest on my shoulders/chest, man does that pop hurt. Guess I don’t have enough padding up there in spite of all the excess I have around my mid section :-(

Oh and day 4!! Which mean tomorrow is definitely a rest day…

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 (these are not warm up sets, they are work sets!)

7 Rounds for time of:

  • 7 2 Pood KB Swings
  • 7 Chest to bar Pull Ups
  • 15 sit ups

16:16 @ 1.5 pood

So my warm up sets turned into my work sets for the deadlifts due to time constraints, I was hoping to do a few more sets over 300 but didn’t have time before the metcon.

So the situps did me in… the first few rounds where really bad and I kept getting a little crap/spasm thing on my left side. I finally then started throwing my arms up in the air above my head when I sat up and that seemed to make things a lot better. I also realized that I need to get back to working my kip, as I just could not do it with the attempted chest to bar. My rhythm was off and I would only get around 3 before I had to stop or drop off get vertical again.

Yay for 3 days in a row! That 1 more than I’ve done each week for about the past month or so.