As many rounds as possible in 20 Minutes of:
- 5 Tire Flips
- 5 Push Up to a sprint (will be demoed tomorrow)
- 10 SDHP’s 95#’s
- 5 1 story stair climb’s
3 + 10
Workout of the Day
As many rounds as possible in 20 Minutes of:
3 + 10
New gym location…. its HUGE!
Back Squat 12-10-8
These should be at a moderately heavy to heavy load, you should have to work your ass off to get all of the reps.
5 Rounds for Time of:
Back squats – 185, 205, 215
Metcon – 10:55 @ 95#
Was pretty happy with the back squats for not doing them in a while. I tried to work the technique Karo had recommended. As for the metcon, as usual… my wrist wasn’t happy :-( Burpees after the push press was not fun. Eventually I started to get the bar to rest on my shoulders/chest which helped. Man I really need to get back in shape… I missed the sub-ten mark.
Perform 20 Shoulder to Overhead (preferably the jerk) @ 80% of your 1RM Push Press
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes of:
We worked on the split jerk, which was good because I’m not very comfortable with it. Got some good practice in, however, Alex pointed out that I’m not completely sending my hips back when I dip and thinks I could be getting a lot more drive. The only downside to this work was my wrist… again :-(
7 rounds
I started off pretty good with the deadlifts and did them unbroken the first few rounds, but that didn’t last. But overall I was happy with the workout… but my jumps suck, I didn’t get close to 6ft. I blame it on being short ;-)
Complete each round for time:
Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 rounds
After 3 third round is completed, immediately run 800 meters for time (sprint the hell out of it).
19:47 @ 75#, 25:11
This means my sprint was 4:56.
I think Jason was a little off on his RX weights for the overhead squats for us mere mortals… as I think most of the guys did 75# and only a few did 95#, at least in our class. Apparently I have pretty good form for overhead squats, now if only my wrists weren’t such an issue I’m sure I could have done a lot better. The sprint really really sucked for me, I got a real bad stitch in my side and walked about half of the first 400m lap.
AMRAP 10 min:
6, or was it 7… stupid counting. Either way, it wasn’t that great. The pushups really did me in.
Row 250 meters
30 Box Jumps
10 Shoulder to overhead @ 135#’s
Rest 2 minutes then repeat for a total of 3 times. Goal time here is sub 2 minutes per round.
(started at 1:30) 6:43, 14:55, 22:29 = 20:59
I really should not have gone with the 135#, rather than shoulder to overhead I ended up doing more ground to overhead :-(
3 round for time:
Every minute on the minute you will perform one clean and jerk for a total of 10 minutes. We will start this off at about 50-60% of your 1 rep max. The goal here is legit technique and to practice the exercise on a weekly basis.
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
10 wall balls
10 Mountain Climber’s
Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 times
Rest 30 seconds
Max Hang Power Cleans @ 95#’s in 3 minutes
Clean & Jerks: 95#
Hold the plank position for max time
2 rounds for time of:
However every 2 minutes you must complete 5 burpees until you have accomplished the 2 rounds.
Plank – 1:44
Rounds – 21:06
Definitely could tell that I haven’t worked out in about 2 weeks and have been eating like crap… as I really almost meet pukie during the workout. It was a rough workout, but I’m glad I made it in today. Now I need to get my eating back on track, however, that might wait until next week once I get back form visiting some family this weekend.
Oh, and I suck at plank. As a comparison, the longest was 6min I think.
20 Rep back squats
2k Row
Small catch: While one partner rows the 2k the other partner must run 800 meters, this is more of just a way to keep your body moving. The 800 meter run will definitely be done before the rower, however they will arrive at the most important part and encourage their partner through the finish.
185# (new feet)
Karo had me change my feet position for the back squats which is why I didn’t go much heavier. I was opening by feet too wide which opened up my hip and apparently was loosing torque, so he had me narrow up my feet and bring my toes in as well. It will definitely take some time to get use to the new form.