Workout of the Day

20 Rep Back Squat Program begins!!!!!!!!!!! Put 60-70 percent of your one rep max on the bar and do it 20 times without dropping the bar.

This should be challenging but doable, we will go up 5 pounds twice a week every week for the next month and re asses how it is going then.


(basically the NorCal Qualifier “Chipper” WOD)

  • 25 burpees
  • Walking lunge from the Gate door to the street and back
  • 5 rounds of:
    • 15 Shoulder to overhead with DB’s @ 35# (if we run out of these, sub will be a 45# barbell
    • Farmers walk from the Gate door to the street and back w/ 35# DB’s, Carry the bar overhead.
  • 25 more Burpees
  • 40 SDHP’s at 45# (rowers are gone tomorrow because of the event this last weekend, they will be back onTuesday)
  • Run 400 meters


I knew this was coming…. After watch the top CrossFit athletes from NorCal just get killed by the “chipper” at the qualifiers, I was not surprised when this showed up as the WOD for today. Granted, it was scaled a bit… it was still a good workout.

The burpees were the worst part for me… In the first set I started out strong, but slowed way down towards the 20s. And the lunges were pretty rough too. The farmer’s walk wasn’t that bad for, especially the 3-5 rounds. It was the 2nd round when I got stuck with the 55# DBs that really sucked, so when I got the 35# DBs after that they felt so much lighter that I actually ran for most of it! And that 2nd set of burpees was really rough….

But I finished it! And in under 30min … didn’t quite hit the 20min mark thou :-( Something strive for ;-)

I’m sure my legs are gonna be dead tomorrow!

Run 400 meters
25 Hip Extensions
25 Push Ups
Run 200 meters
25 Hip Extensions
25 Ring Dips
Run 400 meters
25 Hang Power Cleans @ 115#


The ring dips where a lot more of challenge than I expected. I tried to stick with the small band, but had to eventually move up to the next size. And during the last 400m run, I got a horrible stitch in my side which hasn’t happened forever. Out of all the things, I think the power cleans where the easiest… although I did only do them 5 at a time. I was quite done after the workout.

Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1

Max rounds in 5 minutes of:

  • Push Press 5 Reps @ 95#
  • Back Squat 5 reps @ 95#

Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 rounds

Front Squats: 135×5, 185, 225, 275 (PR)
Metcon: 6, 5+2, 5+3

I really need to work on my wrist issues. Its a catch 22 for the push press (and jerk and thruster)… I can’t get the bar to rest on my shoulders due to my wrists/shoulder flexibility, and not resting on my shoulders puts a lot of extra stress on my wrists. I’d say I probably spent around a minute doing the squats and the rest of the time doing the push press… dropping the bar ever 2-3 reps :-(

But that aside I was rather happy with the squats today. The last time I did heavy front squats ban in Jan (post), I PRed at 255… today I skipped over that and went straight to 275 keeping up with Karo!! WOOT!!! I stopped there, but Karo went on to hit 300.

Tabata Jumping Pull ups with mountain climbers during the (rest period)
Immediately after
Tabata Push Ups with jumping over a 12″ object during the rest
Immediately after
Tabata Push Press with a 45# bar, rest regular
Immediately after
Tabata Squats with a short sprint during the rest period


Having done tabata squats and boxjumps yesterday… my legs where pretty well toast after this one  (and during). The push press was the only thing I held fairly constant. Oh, and like yesterday’s tabata squats… Jason had us hold the bottom position for the last two rest periods instead of the running.

Jason hosted a few intro class today and went over the basic technique work, did some tabata squats, and then did a team workout.

Tabata Squats: 13

Team WOD:

As many reps  as possible in 12 min of…

  • 200m Run
  • Box Jumps
  • Pushups

Three person team. Use the run as a timer, count the total number of boxjumps and total number of pushups for the team.


211 pushups
175 boxjumps

It was a good refresher for my hearing the fundamentals again. I also got two folks from the office to come by… Paulam and Danny. And they did great for their first workout, can anyone say “jello legs” after those tabata squats ;-) Hopefully we’ll all be able to walk at the office tomorrow. For the tabata squats, my counts where 17-19 until Jason had gym member hold the squat during the rest for the two rounds… that did me in.

Max Shoulder to overhead in 2 minutes at 135#
Rest 1 minute
Max Shoulder to overhead in 2 minutes at 135#
Rest 1 minute
Max Shoulder to overhead in 2 minutes at 135#

…. then the Workout of the week:
5-4-3-2-1 Thrusters @ 165#/105#
1-2-3-4-5 Muscle Ups

11, 5, 5 @ 135#
12:31 @ 95#

My wrist where not happy with this workout… I know this is an excuse I use a lot and really need to start working on improving that. But I had to drop the weight down for the thruster after the first part of the workout.

WOD: “Filthy Fifty”

For time:

  • 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
  • 50 Jumping pull-ups
  • 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
  • Walking Lunge, 50 steps
  • 50 Knees to elbows
  • 50 Push press, 45 pounds
  • 50 Hip extensions
  • 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 Double unders


As usual, I sucked ass at this but it was good workout. However, its still better than the last time I did this back in October with a time of 43:04.


Skill work on the Snatch

Max rounds in 5 minutes of:

  • 7 Hang Power Snatches @ 75#
  • 10 Jump’s over your bar w/ 75# on it, one side equals one

Rest for 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 rounds


5, 3+3, 4+3


Back Squat your body weight 25 times (these are speed squats) I’ll help you adjust your weight accordingly

Complete 5 rounds for time, resting 30s between rounds:

  • Run 200 meters
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 20 box jumps
  • 10 Ring Dips


10,12,10,10,10,11,10 @ 135#

This didn’t quite work as it should have. Jason said to partner up and switch off, so I ended up going with a lighter weight to switch off with somebody. So this turned into more of a metcon for me and you can see I ended up with a few more than 25.

Actual metcon = 23:01

My legs where jello after the squats. The first run was took a little while to get going, and then all the box jumps sucked. I think that is where I spent most of my time, as I ended up mainly doing sets of 1 0r 2.