Open WOD 11.3
5min AMRAP:
• Squat Clean
• Jerk
@ 165#
12 rounds
… two more than I was expecting! And now my wrists are done.
Workout of the Day
Open WOD 11.3
5min AMRAP:
• Squat Clean
• Jerk
@ 165#
12 rounds
… two more than I was expecting! And now my wrists are done.
Perform the following for time:
Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.
27:52 @ 1.5 pood
Anything that involves kettlebells never bodes well for me. Between the knees-2-elbows and the kettlebells, by forearms where toast. The last two rounds, I was only getting 2 swings sometimes. I was the last one to finish, but I did finish.
Max Rounds in 12 minutes of:
Recover, then 4 Prowler Pushes
7 rounds… I think. And 1 prowler push. By calves were still a bit tweaked, so I didn’t want to push them and not be able to walk for another week. So only the 1 prowler push and I moved onto foam rolling.
WOD: Jess’s Birthday Workout
Deadlift Heavy! We will warm up quick, start light and work your way up. The goal is not a 1 rep max (unless your feelin it). The goal is simply to lift 30-40 reps tomorrow.
Max rounds in 4 minutes of:
Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 round
Worked up to 305# for the deadlifts.
3 round, 2 round +10 sumo + 1 boxjumps, 2 rounds +10 sumo
All I have to say is… “boxjumps?? again?? really??” Being that my calves are finally almost recovered, I didn’t event attempt to jump down off the box and did step downs instead… which took forever. But my sumos where pretty good. Usually got the first round unbroken and then made it to about 5 on the consecutive rounds.
Team WOD
Teams of 2 or 3, 1 person doing a round at a time of:
• 3 back squat
• 6 thrusters
• 9 burpees
10 min AMRAP
4 rounds
Burpees Day 123
Completely forgot these yesterday until Sal wrote the workout on the board this morning. So…
36 (during WOD) + 87 = 123 done
Open WOD 11.2
15 minute AMRAP:
• 9 deadlifts 155#
• 12 push-ups
• 15 box jumps 24″
8 rounds + 1 deadlifts
My calves are still sore from the 5K on Monday, but I still managed to do a decent job. I’m pretty happy.
Run 5k
Team WOD:
Team of 3, 12min AMRAP:
• Sled pull
• Jumping air squats
• Push press 95#/55#
Maura and the Bens…
249 Jumping air squats
171 push press
10 minute AMRAP:
• 30 double-unders
• 15 Power snatch 75#
3 rounds + 5 double-unders
A whole round more than I was hoping for!! j/k … For someone who can barely do double-unders, I’m pretty happy. I actually did a few set of several double-unders in a row. They may not have been pretty, bit I got them done and I have the lashes to prove it.
Not sure why I finally ended up deciding to do this, but figured why not. I really need to find some motivation again, hopefully this will help me get excited again and also give me some benchmarks to improve on.
I hit the gym at noon today since I’ll be heading off to a concert tonight and needed to get my burpees done. Plus I can’t pass up FGB ;-)
Burpees Day 112:
Hit the gym a little early to crank out 112 burpees. Then practiced some double-unders before moving onto…
Fight Gone Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The stations are:
In this workout you spend one minute at each of the five stations, resulting in a a five-minute round after which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for five rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athletes must move to the next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower, where each calorie is one point.
91, 87, 77, 64, 87 = 406
For as much as that sucked… not a run at it for me.