Workout of the Day


Heavy deadlifts … 1 rep max … top 1/2 of the lift.

Then 20min AMRAP (made up on the spot):

  • 15 pullup (chest-2-bar)
  • 30s L sit


4 rounds + 5 pullups

For the deadlifts, to work something different we worked on only the 2nd half of the lift so the bar started just below the knees (stacked plates on the floor). From here you can do a heavier load, and I did… normal deadlift PR is 385# but I got  bit more than that today and made it over 400#!

As for the met-con, it didn’t sound so bad at first… I started good the pull-ups doing chest-2-bar, but that didn’t last to long. 30s L-sits really suck, everyone was basically doing 5 second sets so they took forever. Was definitely a different type of workout, but was still workout.


Find your 1 Rep Max Height Box Jump

5 Rounds for Time:

  • 10 Power Snatches 95#’s
  • 20 Wall Ball Shot’s


10:46 @ 75#

For the box jumps, not a PR as I got 42″  before. But I took at easy because of my little toes which lost chunks a flesh to my hiking boots on Monday. At the gym was the first time I put shoes on this week, been wearing flip-flops as to give toes time to recover. But it was pretty amazing watching some of the other folks go for the high jumps… and when I say high, I’m talking over 60″!! Check out some of the photos on the CFSC Blog here…

As for the couplet… this was a pretty good workout to come back to after a week off. I opted to drop down to 75# as I tend to over estimate the weight I should use. This worked out pretty good, as I finished in a decent time for a change.


Tabata Hollow Rock

For Bob’s Birthday Workout – 20min AMRAP

  • Sprint 10 meters
  • 10 KB swings @ 2 pood
  • Sprint back 10 meters
  • 10 box jumps 24″
  • Sprint
  • 5 burpees
  • Sprint back

You will work in groups of 3, you get to rest while your partner’s go.


6 rounds @ 1.5 pood

So after we finished up in the 5:30 class, we had a party for the end of the Paleo Challenge. While I didn’t win any money, it was great food, beer, and cool to hear how everyone did on the challenge. Then I remembered I still needed to do 50 more burpees…

Burpees Day 80:

30 (during WOD) + 50 (post WOD, post Paleo Challenge Party) = 80 burpees done.


Back by Popular Demand…..The Snatch:

  • 5 minutes: Pull Number 1 (the snatch style deadlift)
  • 5 minutes: Pull Number 1+2 (add in the hip ext and high pull)
  • 10 minutes: Hang Squat Snatch (start from a hang and pull yourself under the bar)
  • 10 minutes: Full Snatch

These are obvious just guidelines, my goal is for you guys to simply get better at a challenging movement.


500 meter row intervals with a partner

You go, then they go, you get to rest while they go. Repeat this a total of 4 tim


Team Bens… 14:13

Yes my partner was Ben as well ;-D I typically started around a 1:30 /5oom pace and ended around 2:05 /500m pace. My legs would just die about halfway thru each time and I’d lose all my power.  The other Ben was definitly the stronger rower of the two of us, also a lot taller which might have helped too. He managed to maintain a 1:20 /500m pace for a good amount of time… ridiculous!

For the snatch work before hand, I again went lighter… only worked up to 115# for the full squat snatch. I actually did better at 115# than 95#, as I think 95# was too light and I kept overshooting the bar overhead and catching it too far back. In order for me to improve on the full snatch, I think I really need to work the snatch balance which we didn’t do. As my weak point is the catch at the bottom. I typically can get good power during the first 2 pulls, but the last pull (drop under the bar) is where I have problem. Something else to add to my long list of of todos.


Max Rounds in 3 Minutes:

  • 5 Shoulder to Overhead @ 95#’s
  • 5 Burpees

Rest 1 minute, Max Rounds in 3 minutes:

  • 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95#’s
  • 5 Pull Ups

Rest 1 minute, Max Rounds in 3 minutes of:

  • 5 Front Squat’s @ 95#’s
  • 5 V-Ups

Rest 1 minute, Max Rounds in 3 minutes of:

  • Burpees


5, 4+3, 4+9, 40

The only thing I have to say about this workout… is that at least I got most of my burpees out of the way. 25 during first set and then 40 in the last. Oh, and I left a nifty little skull sweat print on the gym floor afterwards ;-D

Burpees Day 78

65 (during WOD) + 13 (post WOD) = 78 burpees done.

Work the Snatch (full snatch) for at least 20 minutes


  • 20 Deadlift’s @ 225
  • 30 Push Ups
  • Row 250 meters

Complete the above sequence, rest 2 minutes, then repeat for a total of 4 rounds


155# (Snatch High Pull), 95# (High Hang Squat Snatch), 105# (Squat Snatch)
21:46 @ 185#

We worked the Snatch (aka full snatch, squat snatch) by breaking it down into two parts and then putting them together. Its been a while since I’ve done the snatch, so I stayed on the lighter side and worked on catching it in the full squat as I’m still not very comfortable with that. But I’m getting better.

As for the met-con, I did opt to scale down to 185# (was thinking about doing 205#, but good thing I didn’t). Its amazing how quickly pushups can get so tiring. You’d think with all the burpees I’ve been doing I’d be getting better at them, but I was only able to get a most 20 unbroken. And as for the rowing… well, its rowing, it always sucks ;-D But 205m wasn’t that bad.

All and all, not a bad workout for only having made it to gym on Sunday in the last week.


Chip away at it:

  • 800 meter run
  • 40 DB Push Press @ 45#’s
  • 40 Jumping Squats
  • 40 Ring Dips
  • 40 Jumping Lunges
  • 40 Toes to Bar
  • 40 KB Swing @ 2 pood
  • 40 V ups (like suit cases on the floor)
  • 40 Burpees
  • 400 meter run


30:22  (subs: 35# db, 1.5 pood, band dips)

Basically it this WOD was 11 sets of 40… and it one really took a lot out of me. I haven’t gotten that stitch in my side in quite a while. The first run started off good, but then it was downhill from there.  The push press took me longer than expected, I think mainly because of  trying to control the dumbbells. I was happy that I was able to string several of the toes-2-bar together, at least in the beginning.

I was pretty well done after this one and curled up on the floor…. but moving on….


40 (in the WOD) + 25 (post WOD) = 65 done for the day.

Having not got around to doing these in the morning this time around, doing them at the gym before I head home is working pretty good. Don’t have to avoid the cats ;-P


Speed Squats (Sets of 3 at a heavy but controllable load for 10 sets)

Max Rounds in 10 minutes of:

  • 10 Jumping Pull Ups
  • 5 Power Snatches @ 115#’s


135# – 275# low-bar back squats
8 rounds (Rx)

For the squats, Jason went over high-bar v.s. low-bar back squats and most of us ended up trying out the low-bar back squat which we haven’t done before.  Definitely felt different, I could really tell that it was working the legs different as can usually feel it in my quads. But the low-bar uses more of the gult-ham. We started at 135# and then stuck with 275# for the last few sets since that is where we started to slow down.

For the metcon, I felt pretty good about this one. I’m glad I stuck with Rx for the snatch, Even though I wasn’t able to string them directly together (i.e. not drop the bar), I think I was pretty good with getting back on the bar quickly (at least for the first few rounds). The original workout called for normal pull-ups, but Jason changed it to jumping to help keep the intensity up.


64 done before heading home from the gym.

Fight Gone Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for 5 rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. The stations are:

  • Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
  • Sumo Deadlift high-pull (Reps)
  • Box jump (Reps)
  • Push-press (Reps)
  • Row (Calories)

85-70-75-66-56 = 352

Haven’t not been since last Wed… this was quite ass-kicker for the first day back. And for anyone that if familiar with FGB, this was FG (very) B since we did 5 rounds! I kinda sucked, but better to have gone to the gym and sucked than sat at home on the couch right??