Workout of the Day


  • 12 Ring Dips
  • 33 Air Squats
  • 18 Pull Ups
  • Sprint Roughly 75 meter’s
  • 9 Burpees
  • Sprint Back

Perform this for time….rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds.


19:45 (sub thin band on ring dips)

Got some complements on my pull-ups, but I still wasn’t able to do them unbroken. The first two round it took me two sets, the last 2 rounds it took me a few more. I started the dips without the band, but after 5 I switched to using the thin band as a sub.

This one really took a lot out of me. I was originally thinking of staying for the oly class but didn’t quite recover so I decided to head to the office to shower and get dinner instead.

Burpees Day 57:

36 (during the WOD) + 21 (immediately after finish the WOD) = 57 done

Round #1 – WOD:

Clean Pulls Heavy…..(Pulls 1 and 2, not the catch)

Max rounds in 4 minutes of:

  • 10 KB swings @ 1.5 poods
  • 10 Box Jumps (24″)

Rest 1 minute and repeat for 3 rounds

4 rounds, 3 rounds , 3 rounds + 1 swing

As expected the KB swings where my week point, although I did get most of the rounds unbroken until towards the end. I think part of its I get nervous when I feel my grip loosen just a bit and end up stopping. I also think I need to work on trying to move the KB more on the way back down rather than just letting fall, this is probably part of why I take so long doing them… I’m not fast.

Round #2 – Boxing:

Joined Maura for the Truine boxing class upstairs (1hr).  The only other thing I’ve done like this was the MMA conditioning class at the office, which I really liked. And I did remember some of the stuff form it (i.e. what 1, 2, 3, and 4 are).

I’ve been wanting to try some sort of martial arts type stuff… so I’m thinking of checking out the Jiu-Jitsu classes here as well.

Round #3 – Burpees Day 56:

56 burpees done before heading home from the gym.

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1

3 Rounds for Time of:

  • 33 Wall Ball Shots
  • 33 Double Unders

Rest 2 minutes then…..Max Push Up’s in 3 minutes


185# Split Jerk
6:43 w/ 14# medball and 17 single/double combinations.
52 Push-ups

It seem like its been forever since I did any heavy overhead oly… I did realize one thing was that while I kept hearing “put your had wider will make it easier”, for me, it actually didn’t. I failed at 175# with a wider grip, but when I came back in I got 185#. This was not a PR by any means, but its been a while since I’ve done the movement and also I am trying to truly let the bar rest on my shoulders to get the technique dialed in. I need to get back to the oly classes at some point here.

As for the metcon, I ended up with a 14# medball as it was either that or the 6# one due to the size of the class. For the double-unders, he said we could sub with 33 singles… so I did a mix. Since I can’t get double-double, but I can do single-double… I counted 17 double-unders, which meant that I did at least 17 singles as well.

As for the push-ups, well they just sucked…

WOD: “Nate”

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

  • 2 Muscle Ups
  • 4 Hand Stand Push Ups
  • 8 KB swings @ 2 pood


10 rounds + 4 HSPU & 8 KB Swings


  • MU = Mix of MU, MU attempts, and jumping MU
  • HSPU = HSPU off a tall box
  • KB Swings @ 1.5 pood

So tonight I got my 2nd, 3rd, … 8th muscle-up! I hadn’t tried one since I got my first, so I was extremely happy. During the goals seminar last weekend, I thought about putting “getting my 2nd muscle-up” as a seven day goal. But I think now want to do something more like “get three consecutive muscle-ups without letting go of the rings” as month long goal.

I did 2 muscle-ups before the workout in the warm-up, and then about 6 during the workout. Most of the time I’d get the first one, but not second. After a two rounds of attempts without getting any, I moved to the jumping sub. I practiced some HSPUs during the warm-up, but still can’t really get them consistently  or at fast rate, so I stuck with the sub off the box the entire time. For the KB Swings, I did try 2 pood for 1 round and still have issue… between not being able to control it and feeling it slowly slip out of my hands, I went back to the 1.5 pood.

Hang Power Clean practice (get that second pull aka the Jump down!)

Power Clean Heavy!!!!!! Then front squat that weight for 3 reps. Perform this for 10 sets/30 front squats.

Metcon – 10 rounds for time of:

  • 5 Deadlift’s @ 225#’s
  • 10 Sit Up’s

… then immediately after sprint 400 meter’s as fast as possible.


185# power clean / front squat
10:26 meton (Rx)

I don’t think I got all 10 sets in for the power clean / front squat work, since we ran out of time. But I got enough in I think. I was really having issues with front rack during it and multiple times ended up on holding it weightlifting style (arms crossed). As for the metcon, I did stick with the Rx weight for the deadlift and thought I was doing a good pace… until everyone else was finishing up and I still had two more rounds to go.

Team WOD:

12min AMRAP:

  • Thrusters 95#
  • SDHP 95#
  • BJs

3 person teams, rotate stations every minute.


Team Robin/Stacy/Ben…

85 thrusters (some 95# and some 75#)
104 SDHP
220 BJs
409 total

Not a bad workout to start back with after a week off. Found out Stacy works at the same campus as me! Now if I could only get some of my co-workers to come…

Deadlift 1 Rep Max

Then 15-10-5:

  • Pull Ups
  • Power Snatches @ 95#’s


385# (PR by 10#)
6:02 @ Rx

In spite of my legs still being quite sore from Monday, I was happy to get a PR on the deadlift. Granted it was only 10# and didn’t compare to some of the other 30# PRs which happened in the class, it was still a PR and its more than double my body weight.

The met-con was short, but rough… mainly the 2nd round (10 reps). I actually managed to do the first 15 pullups unbroken which was great for me. However it took me 3 set to do the 10 reps and it sucked cause I was using a high bar which I had to jump up to each time. Last round went pretty quick.


Push Press for a 1 rep max

3 Minute AMRAP:

  • 5 Push Ups
  • 10 Lateral jumps (over barbell) 1 is 1
  • 5 Push Press with 95#’s

Rest 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 rounds


165# , 185# (f)
4+5, 3+5, 2+16

I still need to work on my front rack to overhead transition. I could only get the 165# push press by death gripping the bar. As for the metcon, I should have probably dropped the weight for the push press down more as I got really slow at them the 2nd and 3rd rounds… but it was still a good workout.

As a side note… I need to remember one of these days that speed squats after a week of are a bad idea. My legs are pretty sore from the front squats on Monday. Hopefully it won’t take me until Sat to recover this time.


65 Reps of Front Squats @ 135#’s
These should be fast and intense, break the sets up like we do for speed back squats.

Maura’s One year Anniversary workout at the gym:

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

  • 10 KB Swings @ 1.5 pood
  • 8 Wall Ball Shots
  • 4 Pull Up’s
  • 2 Power Clean @ 225 or whatever is “heavy” for you.


53 reps @ 135#
5 round @ 165#

Why is it always speed squats when I start back at the gym… I don’t think these ones where quite as bad the back squats the last time, and unfortunately I ran out of time so only completed 53 of 65 reps.

As for the metcon… ugh. I’m really out of it and really sucked at it. First off I tried to go to heavy on the cleans @ 185# and had to drop to 165# after two failed attempts. Worked fine before the workout, but after the pull ups I just couldn’t get it. And once by back started to bother me I think I let it get to more than it should…. you know how it works, once you start thinking about something, it just becomes more and more apparent. This is one of those mental things I haven’t been able to work past, I give up and give into excuses to easily :-(

That being said…. I was still pretty well spent after the workout.

I really need to find some motivation again…