Additional Strength Component:
Since I sucked so much at the situps in the warmup at the gym earlier
today, I decided to a few situps before bed… Tabata style:
I really need to work on those.
(iPhone iRonick)
As a team complete:
8 x 200m runs (4 at a time, 2 runswith 45# plate)
400 push press (4)
300 box jumps (3)
300 air squats (2)
200 burpees (1)
Team BRAG (4 people) = 26:39
Me = 200m x 2 (no plate for me), 45# bar push press x 100, 75 squats,
50 burpees, 55 box jumps
(iPhone iRonick)
I must be good at lifting things over my head, as that is the only pictures of me that really appears on the CF Santa Clara blog…
Doing 130# snatch for round #9 of the WOD. (source)