Did the CrossFit Sunnyvale 2008-06-24 WOD this morning…
5 Rounds for time:
21 Box Jumps
15 SDHP (65#/95#) -> scaled to 30#
9 L-Pull Ups -> scaled to assisted pullups
Time: 16:40
So looking on Brand-X’s Scaled WODs, I found to scale the SDHP they recommend 35# or 45# and for the L-Pullups they recommend pull up variation then do L-sits after the workout. I decided to go with 30# for the SDHP, but probably could have done 36# (the next weight available to me at the office gym) but I still got a good workout. I tried the L-sits and could not get my leg to 90, but held tucked position for a few sec a couple of time before my tri started crying.
All & all this this felt like a much better workout than the previous ones. I really need to stop being such a pansy and go with some higher weights from now on.