65 Reps of Front Squats @ 135#’s
These should be fast and intense, break the sets up like we do for speed back squats.

Maura’s One year Anniversary workout at the gym:

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

  • 10 KB Swings @ 1.5 pood
  • 8 Wall Ball Shots
  • 4 Pull Up’s
  • 2 Power Clean @ 225 or whatever is “heavy” for you.


53 reps @ 135#
5 round @ 165#

Why is it always speed squats when I start back at the gym… I don’t think these ones where quite as bad the back squats the last time, and unfortunately I ran out of time so only completed 53 of 65 reps.

As for the metcon… ugh. I’m really out of it and really sucked at it. First off I tried to go to heavy on the cleans @ 185# and had to drop to 165# after two failed attempts. Worked fine before the workout, but after the pull ups I just couldn’t get it. And once by back started to bother me I think I let it get to more than it should…. you know how it works, once you start thinking about something, it just becomes more and more apparent. This is one of those mental things I haven’t been able to work past, I give up and give into excuses to easily :-(

That being said…. I was still pretty well spent after the workout.

I really need to find some motivation again…


Row 500 meters
30 Box Jumps
30 Jumping Lunges
20 Box Jumps
20 Jumping Lunges
10 Box Jumps
10 Jumping Lunges
Row 500 meters



So this took more out of me than expected. Rowing really does me in… after the first row I just could not get the box jumps going. Granted I was using the 24″ box, but I’ve been able to crank them out before. I expected the workout to kill my legs, but this really hit me hard overall. When I finished the 2nd row, I just kind rolled off the rower onto the floor ;-P I was done.

Oh, and by the way it was 30 jumping lunges per leg… so 60, 40, 20…

(All the eating and drink for the holiday probably didn’t help either ;-D )