Open WOD 14.3: 8 minute AMRAP…
- 10 deadlifts (135 lbs)
- 15 box jumps (24 inch)
- 15 deadlifts (185 lbs)
- 15 box jumps
- 20 deadlifts (225 lbs)
- 15 box jumps
- 25 deadlifts (275 lbs)
- 15 box jumps
- etc…
Results: 68 reps, that’s 13 deadlifts at 225#.
Luckily for me, the standard for the box jump allowed for step up/down. But this was still a painful workout… my legs were still tight from doing deadlifts on Tue and as soon as I started the workout, my back also started to tighten up pretty quickly. I actually took 30s to lay down to let some pressure off my back before starting 225# deadlifts, that really helped.
I was hoping to get a little further, as the heavy lifting I’m better at than the metcon stuff… but my back just wasn’t having it.