“Fight Gone Badish Group Style”
Complete each movement for the duration of time it takes your team mate to row 300 meters.
“The Cycle”
- Wall Ball Shots (each rep is 1 point)
- Push Press @ 95/65#’s (each rep is 1 point)
- Lunge with a 45/25# plate over your head (each L/r leg is 1 point)
- Hang Power Clean @ 95/65#’s (each rep is 1 point)
At the end of every cycle rest for 1 minute and repeat for 4 rounds. Goal is to get as many points and rounds as possible. The row must be completed under 1:20 for each person for the points for that round to count. Each team consists of 5 people.
My points – 64/60/54/59
I don’t think anyone else on my team kept count, so we didn’t get a team score. But it was good workout as I would expect for anything “Fight Gone Bad”-ish ;-)
On a random side grip… the new wallballs. They look pretty, are solid, and round… but they are off balance and roll! I kept dropping it because it would roll off my hands after I caught it. I guess it helps keep you on your toes, but its a pain. Or maybe I’m just not coordinated enough ;-p