
All posts tagged jerk

WOD 2014-03-18

Strength WOD: Jerk 3-3-3-3-3

WOD: 3 rounds

  • Run 400m
  • 10 Shoulder-2-overhead (135#)


  • Jerks: 95-115-135, Shoulder Press (10 rep): 65-85
  • Metcon: 7:47 @ 65# and 400m row

I tweaked my back during the start of the warm-up (400m run w/35# plate) and had to go easy the rest of the class. While I could do the jerk (it only hurt when I bent over), I didn’t want to push it. Thats why I switched to shoulder press, and then did a light weight and rowing for the metcon.

On the upside, I did do the workout and finish in under 10min. I also got a ticket to the 14.5 event in SF!