Team WOD:
Team of 3, 12min AMRAP:
• Sled pull
• Jumping air squats
• Push press 95#/55#
Maura and the Bens…
249 Jumping air squats
171 push press
Team WOD:
Team of 3, 12min AMRAP:
• Sled pull
• Jumping air squats
• Push press 95#/55#
Maura and the Bens…
249 Jumping air squats
171 push press
Chip away at it:
30:22 (subs: 35# db, 1.5 pood, band dips)
Basically it this WOD was 11 sets of 40… and it one really took a lot out of me. I haven’t gotten that stitch in my side in quite a while. The first run started off good, but then it was downhill from there. The push press took me longer than expected, I think mainly because of trying to control the dumbbells. I was happy that I was able to string several of the toes-2-bar together, at least in the beginning.
I was pretty well done after this one and curled up on the floor…. but moving on….
40 (in the WOD) + 25 (post WOD) = 65 done for the day.
Having not got around to doing these in the morning this time around, doing them at the gym before I head home is working pretty good. Don’t have to avoid the cats ;-P
Max reps in 2 minutes of each of the following:
Rest 2 min and repeat 1 more time!
160-150 … better than I expected to do.
I was really feeling tired at the end of the day. I’m surprised I was able to keep relativity the same reps each round. I have to say as much as the jumping squats sucked, I actually did pretty well at them and got a fair amount of my reps, probably right around 50 each round. Jason posted a nice “post workout” photo…
After a hard workout we have two images that you can look like. One is the person laying on the floor "most people" the other is Maura, not sure why she is so happy here?????
I fell into the category of being one of the ones on the floor ;-) I’m in the red short on the left…
On another note… I didn’t make to the gym yesterday, but I did go for a run with Ashely. We did my standard 5K route:
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
Shoulder Press 115# – 135# (f) – 135 #(f) – 125# – 130
18 Snatch (95#)
43 Jumping squats
20 SDHP (95#)
50 Jumping squats
Perform 100 Push Press @ 45#
Here’s the catch: Every minute on the minute perform 4 Knees to elbows
Immediately after perform 100 Jumping Air Squats
Here’s the catch: Every minute on the minute perform 4 Mountain Climber steps
Did some thruster technique work.
Metcon – 9:48
Surprisingly not to bad.