Kettlebell Swings

All posts tagged Kettlebell Swings


70m sprint x10

then… 21-15-9:

  • KB Swings (1.5 pood)
  • 20″ Box Jumps


3:55 Rx

The sprints were rough, not to mention I thought my five-fingers where going melt off my feet. It was pretty damn hot today. But I was pretty happy with myself for the metcon going Rx. I was tempted by the 1 pood, but stuck with 1.5 pood and got them all unbroken! For the box jumps, I was sharing box which really slowed me down. Not waiting on the other person, just that I can’t get into a rhythm. On the last 9 I had my own box (since others had finished) , they hardly took me any time and I did them unbroken (but it was only 9).

Also found out that one of the guys from the noon class works for eBay as we both ended up back at my office gym to shower before heading back to work.


Work technique on something you suck at for 10-20 minutes.

3 rounds for time:

  • Run 400 meters
  • 21 KB swings (1.5 pood)
  • 12 Pull Ups

Double-unders & handstands
14:33 (Rx)

I’ve kinda got double-unders, at least better than I use to in the past… but not by doing them “properly”. I do a really big hop and bend my knees, which you’re not suppose to do. Just a bigger bounce and faster rope, so that was was I was working on. And the handstands where just for fun because everyone else was trying them too ;-)

As for Helen, she whooped my ass… I broke things up into set (6+6, 10+11, 4+4+4,  7+7+7, etc…) and didn’t do anything unbroken, but it got me through the workout. I was worried about the KB swings as those bothered my back last week, but I was ok today. I was tempted by the 1 pood, but glad I stuck with the Rx weight.

WOD: Rick’s Birthday Workout

5 Rounds for time of:

  • Run 200 meters
  • 6 Thrusters @ 115#’s
  • 24 KB swings


26:42 @ 95#, 1.5 pood for 2 rounds & 1 pood for the last three rounds

This just was not a pretty workout all around for me :-/ I just flat out suck at thrusters and ended up death gripping it for the last few rounds, as it took too long to try to reset it on my shoulders and I would keep losing my grip. I was using a light enough weight, that I could get away with that. As for the KB swings, I think my back was still a little tweaked from the 2 pood I tried earlier in the week. But I kept going (after a few short breaks) and (eventually) finished!

Find your 1 Rep Max Deadlift

5 Rounds for time of:

  • 20 Double Unders
  • 15 Pull Ups
  • 10 2 pood KB Swings

375# PR
21:28 @ 1.5 pood

So funny thing with the deadlift… my previous PR was 365# and the last time I was only able to get up to 345# (failed at 355#). So I loaded up the bar with 365# and then added 1/2# plates and got a new PR of 366# ;-D Everyone thought it was pretty classic. But then I went and swapped the 1/2# for 5# and got 375#… Woo Hoo!

As for the metcon… it sucked. The double under attempts took me forever and I attempted the 2 pood KB which was a bad idea. Recently KB swings have been bothering my back and that didn’t help. I actually stopped and laid on the floor twice during the workout. They said it should have been a sub 10min workout…. ya not so much for me. But I finished.

Team WOD:

5 Rounds of:

  • 3 Snatches – 95#/65#
  • 15 KB Swings – 1.5/1 pood

5 Rounds of:

  • 12 Boxjumps – 24″
  • 8 Deadlifts – 215#/135#
  • 4 Knees-2-Elbows

5 Rounds of:

  • 3 Snatches – 95#/65#
  • 15 KB Swings – 1.5/1 pood

Three person teams. Only two people can be working at once and you can only have 1 piece of equipment per exercise (i.e. only 1 KB so you can’t have 2 people doing KB swings at the same time). You must complete all reps in set (5 rounds) before moving to the next, but you can do them in any order.


As usual the team workout was pretty fun.  It was a good way to start of a Sunday.


For Time:

  • 2 50 meter tire flip (up and back is one)
  • 4 Prowler Pushes (up and back is one) @ 95#’s
  • 6 Stair assents (up and down is one)
  • 8 50 meter sprints (up and back is one)
  • 10 Shoulder Press @ 95#’s
  • 20 Push Press @ 95#’s
  • 30 Push Jerk’s @ 95#’s
  • 40 KB Swings 1.5 pood
  • 50 Burpees

Done is any order, broken up any way you want… except you MUST finish with the 50 burpees.


Jason called this one a “jem”, and it sure was. He did modified the workout to only have 1 prowler push instead of the original 4, as I guess it was a bit much for folks. I started with the KB swings and the only thing I broke up was the push jerks. Here is my workout:

  • 40 KB Swings 1.5 pood
  • 10 Shoulder Press @ 95#’s
  • 8 50 meter sprints (up is one)
  • 6 Stair assents (up and down is one)
  • 20 Push Press @ 95#’s
  • 10 Push Jerk’s @ 95#’s
  • 1 Prowler Pushes @ 95#’s
  • 20 Push Jerk’s @ 95#’s
  • 2 50 meter tire flip
  • 50 Burpees

The push jerk took quite a while as I was only doing sets of 5 at a time and the other one that hit me hard was the sprints. These were actual sprints and not jogs.  Oh, and the burpees at the end sucked!! It definitely was quite the workout and a long one compared to the past few 10min type workouts we had recently… but it was good workout.

Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

  • 20 Sit Ups
  • 10 KB swings 1.5 pood
  • 5 Burpees

75-95,  115-125-135-140(f)-140

5 rounds + 5 situps

Wish I had a few more minutes for the overheads, I took a little too long to warm up apparently so some of the warmup sets became working sets just because of time. As for the metcon I did much better with the situps this time, but still not very fast at them.

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 (these are not warm up sets, they are work sets!)

7 Rounds for time of:

  • 7 2 Pood KB Swings
  • 7 Chest to bar Pull Ups
  • 15 sit ups

16:16 @ 1.5 pood

So my warm up sets turned into my work sets for the deadlifts due to time constraints, I was hoping to do a few more sets over 300 but didn’t have time before the metcon.

So the situps did me in… the first few rounds where really bad and I kept getting a little crap/spasm thing on my left side. I finally then started throwing my arms up in the air above my head when I sat up and that seemed to make things a lot better. I also realized that I need to get back to working my kip, as I just could not do it with the attempted chest to bar. My rhythm was off and I would only get around 3 before I had to stop or drop off get vertical again.

Yay for 3 days in a row! That 1 more than I’ve done each week for about the past month or so.

Hold the plank position for max time

2 rounds for time of:

  • 25 Box jump, 24 inch box
  • 25 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
  • 25 steps Walking Lunge
  • 25 Knees to elbows
  • 25 Hip Extensions
  • 25 Push press, 45 pounds

However every 2 minutes you must complete 5 burpees until you have accomplished the 2 rounds.

Plank – 1:44
Rounds – 21:06

Definitely could tell that I haven’t worked out in about 2 weeks and have been eating like crap… as I really almost meet pukie during the workout. It was a rough workout, but I’m glad I made it in today. Now I need to get my eating back on track, however, that might wait until next week once I get back form visiting some family this weekend.

Oh, and I suck at plank. As a comparison, the longest was 6min I think.