Kettlebell Swings

All posts tagged Kettlebell Swings


As a team of 3, complete the following:

2k Row
100 Snatches @ 75#
100 KB Swings @ 1 pood
200m Overhead Tire Walk

Only 1 person may be working at a time.



We split the row up into 250 chunks, which was good as I can keep up the pace for the shorter time frame.  Was pretty good with the snatches, did mainly sets of 10. And the KB was around 15 or 20 per set.


For time…

  • Complete 75 KB swings 1.5/1 pood
  • Complete 75 Box Jumps @ 24″
  • Complete 75 Lunge steps
  • Complete 75 Sit ups

4 Jumping air squats at the start of every minute until you accomplish the task above.

Talk about suck… 32:33

I tried the 1.5 pood which was not a good idea. I did 38 before dropping down to 1 pood. I also only used the 18″ box. My back was not happy and I ended up wasting quite a few minutes laying on the ground. I was the last one to finish by several minutes… But I finished.

.COM Rest

4 Rounds of:  

As many Wall Ball’s as possible in 1 Minute

Rest 30 Seconds

Followed by-

3 Rounds of:

As many Push Presses 45# as possible in 1 minute

Rest 20 Seconds 

Followed by-

2 Rounds of 

As many KB swings 2 pood as possible in 1 minute

Rest 10 Seconds

Followed by-

1 Round of 

As many burpees as you can do in 1 minute

Additional Strength Component:

As many strict pull ups as possible without dropping off the bar.


31-25-21-21 wallballs
23-23-24 push press
10-10 kettlebell
10 burpees
4 strict pullups
…all this after a day of paintball. 


(iPhone iRonick)