All posts tagged SDHP

Sumo Deadlift – 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95# 65#

7 Pull Up’s

7 Knee’s to Elbows

Max rounds in 4 minute’s, rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 rounds


2+7, 2+7, 2
On the 2nd set, I slipped off the bar on the 7th pullup… Luckily my ass broke my fall and I only slightly bumped my head. But I finished and now my forarms are dead.


(iPhone iRonick)

20 min for rounds:
5 thrusters
7 hang power clean
10 sumo deadlift high pull

5 + thrusters + cleans

Thrusters did me in again… poor front squat caused some issues with
my back. I also had a tough time keeping the SDHP balanced. But I'm
happy that I used the Rx weight.

Looking back I think I could have done alot better had I not tried to
tough out my back pain. I laid down on the floor at about the 18min
mark, got back up for the last minute and was able to get the last 5
thrusters and 7 cleans in under a min. Maybe I should have taken a
break earlier on. But I also think part it was mental… Need to work
on my intensity and push thru, like I did for the last min.

(iPhone iRonick)